Regrets part 1

Zinat’s room around her was filled with memories, photographs capturing moments of joy and laughter, tokens of a life she had built with love and dedication. But as her gaze settled on these mementos, it also drifted to the empty spaces, the gaps where someone once stood, the void left by decisions that had to be made.

She had a promise to live up to, a destiny to fulfil, but the path ahead was shrouded in uncertainty. She knew that life rarely followed a straight line, that it was a labyrinth of twists and turns, sometimes leading to places unforeseen. And it was in this labyrinth that she found herself, grappling with the weight of her promise.


Zinat's heart raced with a mix of anger and concern as she watched Aayat unconscious on the floor. The doctor's words confirmed her suspicions – Aayat's drink had been spiked. She felt a surge of fury, knowing that this malicious act had been intended for her.