Hestia and Riona sneaked out late at night after everyone slept. Fortunately, their brothers left due to an urgent task. Once they are at a safe distance Riona lets her spirit beast out. Hestia gazed at the dragon not surprised at all. Hestia had seen the dragon of her brother which was the first one she had seen. She got used to them in the capital.


"Get on," Riona said climbing.


Hestia can use her spirit beast but she climbed on the back of a dragon not wanting to lose the chance to ride a dragon. Once Hestia settled down Riona told her dragon to fly up enough to check the surroundings and to avoid people's gaze. They flew under the moonlight on the back of the mighty dragon.


"Where we should start from?" Riona asked.


"Probably areas outside my territory."


Riona nods and directs the dragon out of the imperial capital. Once they were out they noticed the movement in the dense forest. Riona halted the dragon and observed the place finding a dragon larger than hers and with red eyes. Hestia clenched her fist finding the aura dark. The dragon is heading towards the capital.


"We have to stop it," said Riona determined. She is finally getting a chance to prove herself and she won't let it go.


"Right." Hestia agreed. Unlike Riona Hestia had been trained to fight, but she never joined a real fight she thought it was enough to stop the disaster. Riona's dragon lands in front of the Evil dragon spirit. Hestia jumped down letting her mana take over. Riona did the same and the dragon attacked the Evil spirit. Hestia uses the power of the wind to attack the evil spirit. The evil spirit didn't get affected at all instead it opened his mouth and slammed his foot on them. Hestia and Riona manage to jump away.


Hestia floats in the air and attacks the evil spirit with her magic. The wind hits evil spirits making him growl in anger. Riona used her mana to absorb and manipulate the Evil spirit. She got hit by his huge tail. Hestia called her out panicked. Riona stood up with her spirit dragon behind her back helping her. Assuring Hestia she let her mana heal herself.


The evil dragon spirit attacked them with tremendous evil energy making them fall unconscious their spirits vanished. They couldn't block attacks or stand it. Meanwhile, the evil spirit raised his tail ready to kill them.


When Rian reaches the evil spirit his eyes widen as he looks at his injured sister. His mind wandered thinking about what she was doing here by herself. Realizing what the spirit is trying to do he lets his mana flow and blocks the tail. Rian wouldn't be here if Zebulon ordered him to do so. His new friend is good but demanding. But he is grateful since he trains him.


The evil spirit roared again and attacked Rian with its mana. Rian created a whirlwind and absorbed the mana then used it to attack the evil dragon Bn spirit. The evil spirit used all of its mana and attacked. Rian barely dodged it and fell to the ground.


"I need to form a plan. And where the heck is Zebulon?" Rian muttered to himself.


The evil spirit attacked the unconscious Riona and Histia making Rian eyes widen. He let out his and punched the dragon at full speed.


"Divine Wind of destroyer." He muttered and hit the dragon throwing it away. Rian checked on Hestia making sure she was okay.


When he focused back on the dragon he got a telepathic message from Zebulon. 'I won't be made up to you. Jade needs immediate attention. Get rid problem.'


Rian sighed hearing the order. "I hope Jade is okay."


He made a huge whirlwind determined to complete his task. The wind flew fast speed making the surroundings in mess. Rian spread it wide as he was taught by Jade. The evil spirit jumped into the whirlwind with his mana enveloping it. The evil spirit thought he won until Rian increased its size twice and constricted it around the evil spirit completely enveloping it and twisting it around.


"Ultimate destructive wind." He muttered.


The wind snapped the dragon's body into pieces causing evil spirits to leave its body and scream in agony. Now it will be difficult to get rid of the evil spirit. Rian used its power to cut them into pieces and purify them causing them to vanish completely. When he was down he couldn't believe his eyes that he destroyed it alone without anyone's help. He grinned clenching his fist, pride swelled in him.


"Training is paying off. I will make myself proud." He said softly.


His gaze focuses back on his sister and Riona who is still unconscious. Getting water he threw it on their face and flew onto trees once they stirred. He hides his presence and watches them.


Hestia got up and helped Riona up checking out the surroundings they didn't find any evil spirits. They looked relieved and decided to go back not wanting to get in more trouble. They didn't say it out but they are disappointed in themselves.




When Jade woke up again she felt a soft bed that almost made her go back to sleep again if it wasn't for the warm body she felt beside her. She snapped her eyes open gazing beside her and finding Zebulon who looked in deep sleep. She remembered what they did right before she passed out. Sitting straight she groaned finding herself in an unknown location. The room is dark but the moonlight is bright enough to look in the dark. She doesn't need light to see in the dark.


"Waking up while snuggled to the royal is not the thing I imagined," Jade said to herself.


She stared at Zebulon as his chest raised and fell back while he slept. She pats his cheek lightly making his head snuggle to her palm. Jade chuckled letting her hand fall away.


'Dad, I will be out for tonight. I am sorry.' Jade sent the telepathy message to Lucifer. In return, she felt a gentle caressing in her consciousness.


Laying back down on the bed she snuggled with Zebulon and dozed off again feeling calm and safe.


"Just for tonight." She whispers to herself.


When Zebulon woke up he felt slender arms wrapped around his torso while his feet tangled up with hers. Jade found the sleeping figure of Jade. A smirk formed on his lips. Tucking the hairs behind his ears he entangled himself from her knowing he couldn't sleep forever.


Taking a bath he walks back and finds Jade rubbing her eyes. Jade glanced at him still half asleep.


"Morning love." Zebulon greeted.


"Huh?" Jade asked dazed. Zebulon chuckle.


"You look cute in the morning but get up Jade."


Jade nodded and stood up. Zebulon gently headed to the bathroom and gave her privacy. Once Jade was awake and ready she entered back. Zebulon already waiting for her.


"Let's have breakfast together, "Zebulon suggests.


"Let's eat with Rian. I want to see if he is okay," replied Jade.


Zebulon agreed. They got back to the motel and found him enthusiastically dancing around. Zebulon and Jade paused, Rian noticed them and greeted them.


"You guys listen. I defeated the evil spirit alone." Rian announced proudly. Jade smiled.


"He has been saying that since morning. Zebulon shut him up." Alvaro said with a groan.


"Let me celebrate. I am not useless as they told me."


"Great Rian but let's eat because I am hungry," Jade said softly.


"Come in food is ready." Alvaro cut Rian off and led them in.


Settling down they are their food with a light chat. Alvaro glanced at three of them with a smile. He never had a meal with his family but with them, it feels close to home. They sure are trouble but they know what they are doing. Alvaro wanted friends like them but never managed to get one and then he felt relationships were all useless. He still thinks the same but there is a hope of having a family.


"Jade, I hadn't heard good rumors about your people." Alvaro question.


"My people aren't like others they mind their own business. Besides they can't feel much until they find someone special." Jade explained.


"But you are different so you found them?"


"No, it's because of my mother and I have a special bloodline. I can't tell you more."


Alvaro nods understanding her. But there is one more thing in his mind.


"What about your family?" he asked.


"I have my dad. He is overprotective but I love him. Valerie is a family too."


Alvaro didn't ask about Mother but Rian couldn't help but ask. "What about mother and siblings?"


"Mom is dead. It's me and my dad." Jade smiled softly.


"Sorry," Rian said quickly panicked.


"It's fine Rian you are my good friend," Jade replied but a pang of sadness hit her. She never saw her mother, it was only her dad. Maybe in their next lifetime, she thought. Zebulon noticed it, unlike Rian and Alvaro.


"I don't have a mother too." Zebulon offered to Jade. She smirks at him.


"Are you trying to comfort me? It's something new."


Zebulon rolled his eyes but smiled anyway. Jade noticed it too.


"My family kicked me out." Rian offered trying to comfort both of them.


"My parents abused me if that helps," Alvaro confessed.


Zebulon, Jade, and Rian look at him shook. They didn't know the fun-loving guy had a tragic past.


"We aren't doing competition of having worst parents or tragic past," Jade said.


Alvaro chuckled and said. "I just wanted to feel having friends."


"You never had friends?"


"They wanted things from me so no real friends."


"Well let's be friends forgetting about the time I threatened you."


"My pleasure Jade. By the way unlike your origin you are kind."


Jade nods. Alvaro ordered more food for them. Zebulon glances up at Alvaro who looks happier. He focused on Jade and Rian who were talking about today's events. Jade told them about their encounter with God. Alvaro and Rian praised her knowing the full story. Alvaro gazed at Zebulon, he knew it was not the first time he killed a God. But Jade's powers surprised him a bit. No one can keep in with Zebulon but Jade doesn't even have to try.


"Three of you will be legends shortly," Alvaro whispered.