Chapter 7

Chapter 7


Maki was a bundle of stress as she faced Augus, her frustration bubbling to the surface. She couldn't wrap her head around how Augus managed to create such vivid illusions of her dying repeatedly. Each time, it felt agonizingly real, and it was driving her to the edge.

She growled, her voice strained with irritation, "How the hell are you doing this?"

Augus, standing across from her, looked genuinely confused. He hadn't expected Maki to be so shaken by his illusions. In his usual mischievous manner, he scratched his head and muttered, "What's wrong with  her? Do I smell that bad? *Sniff* Nope, is she having a ptsd?"

Meanwhile, Panda, the literal panda, turned to Yuta, his voice a comical contrast to the tension in the air. "Maki's not in a good spot, huh?"

Yuta nodded, his gaze never leaving the sparring duo. "Yeah, and the fight has just started. She seems cornered for some odd reason."

Toge chimed in, his words cryptic as always, "Salmon."

Gojo Satoru, the ever-nonchalant observer, hummed in thought as he watched the spar unfold. His eyes occasionally shifted between Maki and Augus. After a moment, he muttered under his breath, "Augus really has no idea what he's doing to Maki. She's overcomplicating things because of those hallucinations."

Augus, amidst the growing tension, realized that the spar wouldn't progress if they just stood there. Without further ado, he launched the first attack. Maki's eyes widened as Augus suddenly lunged forward, wielding the bokken like a rapier. His movements were swift, and each thrust was precise.

Maki's instincts kicked in, and she evaded his attacks with grace, her eyes never leaving Augus. But just when she thought she had him figured out, Augus switched to using traditional kendo techniques, catching her off guard.

"You son of a..." Maki couldn't help but let out a growl, her glare intensifying.

The spectators, including Gojo, Yuta, Panda, and Toge, were in shock at how fast Augus moved and how seamlessly he shifted between different styles of combat. Yuta, in particular, couldn't help but gasp at Augus' speed and fast he switched between two swordsmanship so seamlessly.

Panda, with his wide, bewildered eyes, mumbled to himself, "I didn't know humans could move like that."

Toge remained quiet as ever but had a hint of surprise in his expression, which was a rare sight.

Gojo, on the other hand, couldn't shake off an unsettling feeling. As Augus attacked Maki, for a brief moment, Gojo saw the image of Toji Fushiguro, Megumi's father, overlapping with Augus. It was as if the two figures had merged during the attack.

This unexpected visual sent a shiver down Gojo's spine. Toji's memory was still vivid in his mind, and the injuries he had suffered during their battle had left a lasting mark. Seeing a glimpse of Toji in Augus raised questions about the true nature of Augus' abilities.

As Gojo continued to observe, he couldn't help but wonder how Maki would approach the fight. 

Maki's determination was palpable as she leaped into action. With a rapid swing of her staff, she aimed straight for Augus's head, her intent unmistakable - she sought to land a decisive blow. Augus, demonstrating his incredible agility, halted just in the nick of time, narrowly avoiding Maki's strike.

Yuta, Panda, and Toge couldn't contain their excitement. They cheered for Maki, their voices filling the arena with anticipation.

Panda in excitement yelled, "Oh, this is getting good! Go, Maki! Show him what you've got!"

Yuta chimed in, his voice filled with amazement, "Look at them go! Augus is fast, but Maki's no pushover!"

Toge, muttered, "Salmon," as he watched the battle unfold.

Maki, however, had a trick up her sleeve. Swiftly twirling her staff, she used the other end to disrupt Augus's footing. Augus, with his quick reflexes, blocked the staff with his bokken, but he had no inkling that Maki was setting him up for another move.

Maki's grin widened as she swung her staff back towards Augus's head, confident that he wouldn't have enough time to react.

"Take that!" she declared.

The cheers from her companions grew louder. Yuta, awestruck by the spectacle, could only stammer, "I can't believe she's doing this! Augus is insane for trying to block that!"

Panda, in particular, couldn't help but yell, "Augus is toast! There's no way he can dodge that!"

Gojo, watching the fight unfold with his signature inscrutable expression, interjected calmly, "Don't underestimate Augus, Panda."

As the staff came hurtling towards Augus's head, the arena held its breath. But Augus had other plans. In a breathtaking display of skill, he swiftly blocked Maki's strike with the handle of his wooden sword.

Panda, Yuta, and Toge gasped in disbelief. Panda muttered, "No way…" while Yuta could only shake his head, saying, "Augus must have nerves of steel to bet on blocking that attack!"

Maki's eyes narrowed in frustration as Augus let out a relieved sigh. He couldn't help but mutter, "That was too close for comfort."

Augus's confidence returned in a flash. He pushed Maki's staff away and lunged forward for what seemed like a final blow. Maki, undeterred, sidestepped Augus's attack and attempted to strike him in the back.

Augus's smile widened as he rolled away from Maki's blow with incredible agility, narrowly avoiding her attack. With a graceful counter, he came lunging back at her.

The spectators were spellbound by the dancers' finesse and power, their eyes glued to the intense exchange of blows and tactics.

As the fight continued, Gojo couldn't help but ponder the enigma that was Augus. His thoughts swirled with questions about Augus's origins and abilities. He knew that Augus was a unique and formidable opponent. And if someone this good lost to a spirit then what sort was it? A special Grade? 

Turning his attention to the spectators, Gojo saw the same curiosity reflected in their expressions.

Panda couldn't contain his intrigue as he wondered aloud, "Who on Earth is this Augus guy, and where did he come from?"

Yuta, still in awe of Augus's skills, chimed in, "I've never seen anyone like him before. He's on a whole different level."

Toge, the master of cryptic utterances, added, "Salmon."

Gojo continued to observe the clash of titans in the arena, recognizing that Augus's extraordinary abilities were a mystery that begged to be unraveled. The tension remained high, and the questions surrounding Augus only deepened as the fight raged on.

Panda couldn't contain his enthusiasm, shouting, "Augus is in trouble! Maki's got him on the ropes!"

Yuta, who was still struggling to process the breathtaking speed of the battle, muttered, "I've never seen Maki-senpai fight like this before."

Toge once again muttered, "Salmon."


Maki and Augus continued their intense exchange, their weapons clashing with unrelenting force. Augus, for some reason, seemed oddly relaxed despite the strenuous battle, and this nonchalance grated on Maki's nerves. It was as if he had an endless well of stamina.

However, amidst the whirlwind of combat, Maki couldn't help but crack a small, begrudging smile. She had to admit, Augus's combat skills were undeniably impressive. It was clear he had trained extensively to reach this level. She couldn't help but wonder about his background and how he had become so formidable. If she ever discovered that Augus was literally stuck in a game avatar, she might just lose it.

Her grin grew, and she decided to push Augus back a bit. "You've got my respect, Augus," she conceded between breaths, her eyes locked onto him.

Augus, flashed a playful smirk and started to flirt with Maki, raising an eyebrow suggestively. "Well, Maki, it's you that's keeping me going," he teased, his voice dripping with innuendo.

Maki couldn't help but snort at his attempt at charm. "Do you use those lines on every woman you meet?" she retorted.

Augus chuckled, clearly undeterred by her response. "You're actually the first woman I've ever flirted with, so I'm still in phase one of my flirting skills."

Rolling her eyes, Maki couldn't help but admit, "Your face just pisses me off."

Augus, ever the charmer, pretended to be taken aback, placing a hand on his chest in an exaggerated gasp. "My dear Maki, I thought my charm was working wonders."

Maki's grin grew, but she couldn't resist a quip. "It does, but it makes me even more pissed off."

With that said, they both jumped back, giving each other a momentary breather before lunging forward once more. Their strikes and parries were lightning-fast, showcasing their exceptional combat abilities.

However, in the midst of their exchange, Augus executed a daring maneuver that took Maki by surprise. He dropped his sword and tackled her to the ground, holding a wooden sword at her throat. Augus declared his victory, his eyes glinting with mischief.

Maki's smirk remained, and she didn't miss a beat. She swept Augus off balance, pinning him beneath her, and took control of his wooden sword. Placing the blade at his throat, she declared, "You were right, Augus. I win."

However, in the midst of their exchange, Yuta, ever the vigilant one, saw Augus's mischievous intentions. He shouted a warning to Maki, "Maki, watch out!"

But before Maki could react to Yuta's warning, Augus pulled off a daring move that left everyone, including Maki, stunned. He dropped his sword and tackled Maki to the ground, pinning her with a wooden sword at her neck. Augus declared his victory with a mischievous grin.

However, what happened next was beyond anyone's expectations. Instead of a serious conclusion to their battle, Augus playfully and audaciously slapped Maki's butt with a resounding *SMACK*.

Maki's eyes widened in shock, and her face flushed a bright crimson as she let out a surprised yelp.

Augus, undeterred, complimented her with an exaggerated smirk, "Special grade-S+ booty." He grinned before slapping it again... twice before groping it for good measure. 

Hey there's a chance he is going to die early so he'll take his chance to get it.

Yuta's eyes practically popped out of their sockets as he gasped, "Oh he's so fucked!" Panda's jaw dropped, and Toge's composure faltered for a split second.

But it was Gojo who took the cake. He burst into uproarious laughter, clutching his stomach as if he'd heard the funniest joke in the world. Tears streamed down his face as he howled with mirth.

A thoroughly red-faced Maki, overcome by embarrassment and fury, let out an indignant yell, "You pervert!" With a swift move, she knocked out Augus with a powerful punch, sending him sprawling to the ground.

Augus, despite being on the receiving end of a knockout blow, wore a satisfied smirk as he muttered to himself, "Totally worth it."


Augus slowly regained consciousness in the infirmary, squinting against the soft glow of the room's lighting. He blinked a few times and saw Gojo sitting comfortably on a chair nearby, a mischievous grin on his face.

"Ah, you're finally up!" Gojo greeted Augus with his characteristic jovial tone.

Augus groaned and ran a hand through his hair, wincing slightly as he did so. "How long was I out?"

Gojo's laughter filled the room as he leaned back in his chair. "You've been out for about three hours."

Augus couldn't help but rub his head, his voice laced with mild annoyance. "Three hours? I thought it would've been longer."

Gojo chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, what you did was pretty bold. But now, you'll need to watch your back. Maki will be after you."

Augus raised an eyebrow playfully and shot back, "Is there any man who doesn't like a beautiful maiden chasing after him?"

Gojo couldn't contain his laughter and let out a boisterous guffaw. He patted Augus on the back in a friendly manner, still chuckling. "Just don't let Maki hear you say that. She'll make sure you won't have any kids."

Augus laughed along with Gojo, finding his humor infectious. However, in the midst of their laughter, a sudden chill washed over him.

Meanwhile, in a different part of the facility, Maki was a whirlwind of motion. She swung her naginata with incredible speed, the blade slicing through the air. Her war cry echoed through the corridors, a fierce declaration of her determination.

"I'll kill you again and again!" Maki's voice reverberated, carrying a potent promise of vengeance. "I'll rip you to shreds!"

Her declaration hung in the air, a chilling warning to Augus that the battle between them was far from its conclusion. The intensity of her emotions was palpable, and her resolve to best Augus in combat was unwavering.

Back in the infirmary, Augus felt a shiver run down his spine as he realized the gravity of the situation. He glanced at Gojo, who had momentarily stopped laughing, and asked with a hint of concern, "Do you think she's really that angry?"

Gojo's expression turned serious as he replied, "Maki takes her fights seriously, and she doesn't forgive easily. You've definitely made an impression on her."

Augus sighed, his cocky demeanor fading for a moment. "Well, I hope I can survive her."

Gojo chuckled softly, offering some words of encouragement, "Just be on your guard, and maybe next time, don't flirt with the lady who can kick your ass."

Augus couldn't help but smirk at Gojo's advice. "Point taken."