Diagnosis and Plug-ins

Dr. Vega guided Cedric through the physical exam and the psychological exam.

On both exams, the psychological exam took the longest, requiring him to spend at least two hours talking with the kind doctor. The physical exam was short thanks to the state-of-the-art equipment they use courtesy of the Lifestyle Guild.

"...in short, you're as healthy as one could be, physically. I'd dare say that you're one of the healthiest people I've ever come across for someone at your level. This is a good thing so I'd suggest that you keep doing what you're doing so far to maintain this." Dr. Vega started.

"Psychologically, though..." Dr. Vega gave him a look that he completely understood even without having her finish her words. "Your long-term stay at the RMC took a great toll on you. I assume that you've seen this coming, yeah?"

Cedric nodded to that, not bothering to lie to the good doctor. He saw Dr. Vega sighing as she continued: