

In the middle of the decaying battlefield within Purgatory, Derrek (Cedric) ran and ran, leaving ruined zombies behind.

It didn't matter whether they were ordinary zombies or mutated ones, those who were touched by the golden flames on his sword and bullets dissipated into ash shortly after.

From time to time, Derrek would cast 『Lightspeed』 clearing every enemy his eye could see. The poor undead couldn't even see how they died.

Once the first hour passed, the 1st Boss appeared. It was a Tier 3 Brute Zombie - one that's pure muscle and rage. But even with its thick sinew and explosive strength, Derrek's True Sunfire proved to be its bane.

Sure, it died slower than the others, but it still died nonetheless. And with how sharp Derrek's senses were and how quick he could be, it was expected that the boss failed to graze even the hem of his combat suit.