Void Walking; Scylla's Worried Anger



"Damn it!!"


Someone roared inside the meeting room. The already tense atmosphere seemingly snapped because of this.


"You all are useless! How long have you been tasked with monitoring the void!? How could you miscalculate the timing!? Did none of you even think of double checking everything before letting anybody pass the gates!? What the fuck are we supposed to do now!?"


The person that's been dishing out harsh words looked like a mantis with mostly femenine features and voice. The sounds of her mandibles echoed across the room; they clucked in agitation and anxiety.


Despite her barrage of questions, none dared to say a word. They won't dare, and she knows that they wouldn't. Honestly, she's not expecting them to say anything in return, because if there's one thing clear here, it would be the fact that she's being unreasonable. And she herself knows this too.