Influx of Recruits, Reunion with the Tower Master


Cedric wore a confused expression as he stared at the transport ships unloading people on the camp. He counted at least dozens just today, and suddenly, the camp felt more populated than before.

He's not complaining. He just finds it weird. Especially since, from what he saw, the new arrivals don't seem to be too stoked to be here. Which is fair; that's what the majority feels when coming here, but this batch of people looked 'extra' unwilling. He'd even say that they're most likely punished to be here.

"The matters of the Void are no longer a secret to the general populace of the alliance."

Cedric heard a familiar voice behind him. He turned around and saw a tall and lean figure wearing a void suit speaking to him. Judging from the aura he's exuding, he's a cosmic-level expert and one that Cedric had a few interactions with before. More importantly, this one is a chancellor.