Chapter 4

Arriving at my workplace, I put on my apron and started working right away.

It's a little place in the middle of the city. Our range is large and diverse. We are focused on coffee and confectionery made with coffee but also serve tea and other drinks. As a coffee addict, I liked working here.

This place is for those who like to try unique, new things. But we also have some regular customers who want to drink different coffee daily.

We tried to come out with new drinks from time to time so that our customers wouldn't get bored and I was happy to try them as well. I don't like everything, but I have my favourites.

Fortunately, time usually flies very fast. We don't have a full house but we always find something to do. I had almost finished my work for the day when someone familiar came into the shop.

His black hair was curled behind his ear and his brown eyes sparkled with golden flecks. I recognized him immediately, but he did not notice me. Rhys Karston. He sat down at a table and began to read the drink menu. He was alone.

I should let Loren serve him. My working hours are about to end. This is what I should do. That would be the best. But when did people do what was best for them, anyway? So I went to him.

„Good afternoon. What can I get you?" I asked politely but without a forced smile on my face. He knew very well I had no reason to smile. He won't complain that the waitress is not nice and cheerful enough. I really disliked customers like that. When I asked what else I could bring them, and they said they wanted a smile. Politeness and helpfulness are given in this profession, but why should I smile? I mean, most of them don't smile at me either.

„Is there anything new?" He asked and raised his head, but when he saw me he froze. Like me, he did not expect me. But I had time to collect myself, unlike him. He only had a second to put on a neutral face. He was pretty good at it. „What are you recommending?" He asked then. I? Why should I recommend anything? You are an adult with different tastes than mine. You should be able to decide. I don't like customers who ask me to recommend. Sometimes I find it hard to choose. How could I choose for someone whom I don't even know? Maybe this job actually is not for me. I suppressed a smile.

„Angel's kiss." I said at the end. This was our latest coffee and I liked it very much.

„Yes?" He raised his eyebrows questioningly. The golden dots in his eyes danced merrily. The corner of his mouth twitched. I have to admit, if we weren't in a cafe, it would be a weird conversation. „I am afraid to desire such divine creatures." Did he think it was funny? He doesn't have a good sense of humour.

„This is our newest drink." I informed him. I was expressionless and he became serious too.

„What is in it?" He asked although he did not seem interested in the answer.

„Coffee liqueur, cream liqueur, milk foam, and presso coffee" I listed. It was my job to know what I was serving, after all.

„Well, I finished my work so I can give it a try." He thought out loud. „It would be perfect. Thank you." I nodded and then went back to place the order. I tapped my fingers on the counter as I waited. In the meantime, I ordered an iced coffee for myself. Before I go, I will drink it. I still have plenty of time to get Ailish.

„Enjoy." I placed it in front of him and went back to take off my apron. I am done. I picked up my coffee and started thinking about where to sit. Most of the tables were occupied.

„You can sit with me if you want." I turned my head towards the sound. I don't even know why I was surprised. It was the detective, obviously. I almost smiled.

„Thank you." I said as I sat down across from him.

„Is your shift over?" Why do you care? He is asking if we are friends or something. I nodded and took a sip of my coffee. „You are a university student, right?" He continued his questioning. Do you want to know something? Do you think you can get close to me and figure something out? How ridiculous. I am not stupid enough to let a detective close to me. Especially if it's a man. According to my mother's experience, they cannot be trusted and you can't count on them when it matters most. They use women on a whim and disappear the next moment.

„Yes, I am." I answered succinctly.

„And you work and take care of your sister." He seemed impressed. Not many people looked at me like that. But he won't make a fool out of me. It's probably part of a plan. He wants me to lower my defence. Nothing is amazing about all this. I am not a wonderful person. And if he actually knew me, he would not be sitting here with me.

„It's not a big deal." I shrugged. Not really. I am used to it.

This is information you can get after a quick background check. Not surprising.

„Your mother visited us during her lunch break." Now that was a bit surprising. Mother didn't mention it. She was really quick.

„Have you found out anything about the case yet?" This was the only thing I was curious about. His gaze changed. It became sharper and more focused. Suddenly I felt like we were beasts circling around each other.

„Unfortunately not." For a while, all you could hear was the sound of the glass meeting the spoon. „How long have you been working here?" He changed the subject.

„Since I started university." It wasn't important information, so I can share it freely.

„It's quite a long time." I didn't react and we stayed silent for a while.

„Is this your first time here?" I asked because I was slightly interested.

„No, it's not. I was here once with Édoard after work. It was about a year ago. He doesn't really like coffee so he didn't like the place either. But since then, I have been coming when I have time." Interesting. I may have served him many times in the past, I just didn't realize it. He was one of the faceless people in a crowd. He was one of many. But this time I noticed him immediately.

I was probably just one waitress among many. And now we are having coffee together. Life creates strange, unimaginable situations. We have suddenly become acquaintances from strangers, even if we are acquaintances who would be happy if we never saw each other again. Isn't that weird?

During our lives, many people pass by us, and the possibility that we can be something more for each other in the future has never even crossed our minds. Someone who will have an important role. It can happen anytime.

When I looked up from my coffee I saw him watching me. In a fiery and curious way. But that didn't make me shudder with disgust. However, men usually only evoked this one feeling in me. But his gaze wasn't intrusive, I didn't feel vulnerable to him. Nevertheless, it was still annoying.

Our eyes met for a moment, but then he lowered his head and focused on his cup. He had bags under his eyes and now that I took a closer look at him, his eyes were bloodshot. He seems like someone who needs a good night's sleep. Although I don't care even if he collapses, I don't want to deal with a new detective. I already knew him and we could get a worse one.

„Didn't you sleep well?" It felt weird to ask like I was concerned about his health. He stared at me with unconcealed surprise on his face. He seemed to forget I was with him. This bothered me a bit, but I generally liked it when others didn't pay me any mind.

„Sorry." He murmured. „I was lost in my thoughts." He admitted it. „No, I didn't sleep at all. My previous case ended very badly. There was a funeral yesterday, and I was invited as well. That's why I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about how could I have done it differently, better. How could I have prevented what happened."

I was taken aback. He didn't say anything specific but he was still very honest. I never knew what to do with open people like him.

„Hopefully, this will end better." He added and it took me a moment to realize he was referring to Seth's case.

„We already have one dead." I informed him as if he didn't know. „How could it be worse?"

„With another corpse." I couldn't argue with that. That would be really bad. But it probably won't happen because I am the killer and I don't plan to murder others. But of course, I won't tell him that. „I hope we don't have to deal with another one for a while." He rubbed the bridge of his nose.

„Why did you choose this profession if you don't like working with corpses?" I was really curious. Why would anyone choose this job? To help others. It was never attractive to me. Meet the victims, face the corpses, and capture the criminals. I shuddered. No, thanks. Said the murderer. I almost smiled at the thought, albeit mockingly. I have enough misery for myself, I don't need others.

„I don't think anyone wants to be a detective because they like dealing with dead bodies." He thought about it. „If that's the case, then they need a doctor and can't become detectives. You need a healthy mind for this job. Otherwise, they wouldn't let you work as one." Logical. I think. „I became one because... Why?" He looked at me like I knew the answer. „I wanted to be one since my childhood. I made up my mind back then and I didn't change it. This is probably the main reason."

„And why did you want to be one as a child?" My question surprised him a bit and made him think.

„Hm. People are naive and innocent as children." Sadly, not everyone. „I was too." I am jealous of you. „I thought I could change the world." He laughed, but not cheerfully. It was as if he was mocking himself. „That I can be the hero, the protector of the innocents." His smile turned bitter. „But not. One person cannot save the world alone. This would require all of the humanity."

„But at least you are trying to do something." I don't know why I said that. He didn't look like someone who needed encouraging words. Despite his fatigue and cynicism, he seemed content with his life. I wish I could be too.

„Sometimes trying is not enough." He grumbled.

This situation was so surreal. I am sitting here having coffee with the person who is supposed to catch a criminal, which is actually me and I am trying to cheer him up. Am I stupid or stupid? Where did my life go wrong? Of course, this is not a real question. I know when it happened. But it would be nice if someone tried to reassure me once that it's still not too late. But I am smarter than that. Of course, it's late. Too late. I sighed.

„Sometimes I have to remind myself that I am not capable of everything. That I did everything I could, and that's why I have no reason to feel guilty. But most of the time I forgot about it." Now he was the one who sighed. From deep.

„And if you could change it, would you?" And would I? If I knew this was going to happen after killing Seth, would I do it again? I didn't plan to, but I can't say I never thought about it. How nice it would have been if he just disappeared. But I was never serious about killing him. Not really. Not always.

„No, I wouldn't change a thing." He answered seriously, looking deeply into my eyes.

Right, me neither.