Chapter 9

Dark brown sky with golden stars. That was my first thought, but then I realized that it wasn't the sky, but a pair of eyes that filled my field of vision. I blinked and he pulled back. I silently surveyed our situation. He was sitting on a bench with my head in his lap. When I found out how close my head was to a certain thing, I sat up quickly and almost fell to the ground. But he caught me and held me. I slowly took a seat next to him, watching him from the corner of my eye. My god, I am acting like a scared little animal ready to bite anyone if it senses danger.

„What happened?" I asked but I had to clear my throat. Then I looked down at myself. My eyes probably got the size of plates, and it was a miracle my jaw didn't fall off and thump loudly on the ground. I was only wearing a big shirt and in contrast, he wasn't wearing any. I tried to fight the rising panic. „And again: What the hell happened?" And he had the nerve to laugh. Although it wasn't a happy one, still. This was very inappropriate in our situation. I glared at him.

„I am sorry." He apologized. „I just find it a little absurd that you are worried about your clothes when you were attacked not too long ago." And with that, all traces of the previous smile disappeared from his face. He clenched his jaw.

„First of all, I am not worried about my clothes, I am worried about the lack of them. And they are not even mine, but my friends. She was my stylist today. Mostly." I shot him a look of disdain. I am good at it. To be in contempt. „I will ask the last time: what happened? Where are my clothes?"

„Your top? It's torn. I am afraid it is unusable. Your pants? It's on you." I took a closer look at myself. He was right and I felt my face heat up. In my defence, it was dark and I panicked.

„And what about my attacker?" I decided to ignore my shame and continued the conversation. I didn't really care but it's better to know. I wouldn't even care if he was diving into hell in hot lava. I wonder, would there be fish in it? Demon fishes or something like that.

„The police took him away but maybe he would have needed an ambulance before that." He raised an eyebrow as if waiting for an explanation. Well, he can wait for it forever.

„I won't apologize for what I did." I looked at him defiantly. The corner of his mouth twitched.

„I didn't ask for it. I think it's good if anyone, especially a woman or a child can protect themselves." He seemed sincere. However, power can be dangerous to the one who uses it, and especially to the one against whom it is used. Many people don't use it wisely. I have never wanted to hurt anyone, I just always wanted to protect myself.

„That's great." I said noncommittally and then stood up. „It was a great pleasure." My voice dripped with mockery. „But I have to go now." I barely took a step when he lightly grabbed my wrist to stop me. I hit him without thinking. The sound echoed in the silence. I was flabbergasted. I looked at my handprint on his face in shock. I backed off.

„I am sorry." My voice was unusually weak and quiet. But instead of getting angry, he glanced at me jovially.

„Well, you are small, but you can hit quite hard." His voice was just a little sarcastic. „I am not upset about it. It is perfectly understandable after what happened. Although...„ He took something out of his pocket and I looked at him worriedly until I realized it was mine. „I am curious about this." He was holding the knife I had brought with me. I lost it when that scumbag attacked me. „But I won't ask anything. Not yet. I wouldn't get an answer anyway." This time he was right.

„Many questions will never be answered." I know it very well. I have many, but it's scary to ask, and one of the people who could answer is already dead.

„Maybe, but that doesn't mean we couldn't even try to get those answers." True. If you want to be disappointed, it's up to you.

„It would be a fruitless effort." I informed him of the outcome of my would-be questioning and pulled back. „I have to go. I am sure, Shannon is worried about me."

„I don't think it is a good idea." He stopped me, but this time didn't touch me. I was thankful for it. Instead of asking, I raised my eyebrow and he readily answered. „Look at yourself. People will eye you weirdly if you go back like that."

He was right. His T-shirt was actually quite bloody. It probably happened when he apprehended the guy. I would look pretty suspicious. And he is half-naked. He would be in more trouble than me if he went anywhere like that. Maybe someone even would call the police. I couldn't hold back a little laugh at the thought. Calling the police because of a detective. It would be embarrassing for him.

I was trying really hard not to look at his upper body but at this point, I gave up. Hating men doesn't mean I can't appreciate a good, well-trained body. And he had very nice muscles, not too much, just the right amount everywhere.

„Why don't you just call her?" He asked while the little golden spots in his eyes shone mischievously and the corners of his mouth curled up. Of course, he noticed that I was ogling him, but at least he didn't say anything about it.

„The voice of common sense." I murmured not without any malice, but that only made his smile wider and more obvious. Cheeky bastard. I gave him a devastating look but pulled out my phone anyway. I had two missed calls from Shannon. I called her back.

„Shaelynn!" Her voice was full of concern. „Are you okay? I was about to castrate Liam in public for ruining everything."

„I am fine." I reassured her and Rhys raised his eyebrow doubtfully. „I am already fine." I added and they probably both had something else in mind. He and Shannon too. „It wasn't all that bad. I've even had a little bit of fun, but I guess I am just not ready for it. I stick to watching movies on the couch or reading a book and staying away from crowded places. I am sorry."

„No, you don't have to apologize!" She was vehement as always, but somehow different. „It's my fault as well. I should have noticed." The blood froze in my veins. I was stunned and didn't know what to say. „This kind of place is not for you. I got it, so I won't drag you around with me anymore." She assured me and I managed to calm down a bit. „But tell me one day." My heart skipped a beat and I even held my breath. I didn't say anything and she sighed. „One day, when you're ready tell me, please." She repeated, then hung up without saying anything else.

I put my phone back in my bag and turned to the shirtless guy.

„Well..." I started but he interrupted me.

„The other reason you can't go is that we have to go to the police station."

„I understand that hitting a police officer is against the law, but isn't this too much? Anyway..." You are off duty. I wanted to say, but his laughter made me swallow my words. I glanced at him, waiting for an explanation.

„Not because of that. You have to testify against the guy who attacked you." I became grim and all trace of cheerfulness disappeared from his face.

„I don't want to deal with it, but I don't want anyone to suffer a worse fate than me. I was lucky this time, but not all people have enough luck." I exhaled slowly. „Let's go!"

He made a move that indicated he wanted to touch me, so I quickly avoided it. He acted like nothing happened and went ahead, but somehow I felt like I hurt his feelings. I didn't want him to touch me, but not because he disgusted me, quite the opposite. In a way, he seemed even more dangerous than anyone else. It was as if my vigilance and caution had abated next to him. But didn't I promise myself I would try to make a connection if I met someone who wouldn't make me feel nauseated? But he is a detective, damn it! Getting involved doesn't seem like a good idea at all. It would be crazy. One wrong move or word and it would be the end of me.

„Are you coming?" He asked standing next to a black car. I nodded and went to the other side of the vehicle. He opened it and we climbed in. He put his hand on the gearshift and I put my hand on his. It was a short, curious touch, and it ended quickly. I wanted to make sure I wasn't wrong. But no. Apart from a little restlessness, I didn't feel anything and it wasn't particularly unpleasant.

No matter how I feel, I have to keep looking for someone I can trust. But sitting here with him in his car... Doesn't that mean I already trust him a little? No one knows where I am exactly. I could disappear without a trace. Nope! I am not paranoid enough to suspect him of kidnapping me.

„Thank you." I mumbled. I hate saying thanks because it makes me feel like I say something like: I need you, I couldn't have done it without you. And I don't want to lean on anyone. Relying on someone only weakens you. Instead of searching for solutions, you will expect them from them.

„You're welcome." He said and our eyes locked for a moment. Brown into the blue. I almost felt like I could trust him. But only almost. He turned away from me and started the engine.

The police station wasn't close to our current location, so it took us a while to get there, and yet we didn't talk. Fortunately, things progressed quickly at the police, so I didn't have to spend much time there. It was only one awkward moment, because of Édoard Elliot. He was watching me with such suspicion that it made me feel quite uncomfortable. But there was another thing in his eyes. Warning. Warning to keep my distance from Rhys. He really shouldn't worry. I didn't plan to fly at him like a bee to a flower.

„What is he doing here at this time?" He shook his head in disbelief and confusion. I cleared my throat to get his attention.

„Well then, I am going home." I muttered as I avoided his gaze.

„How are you going home?" Of course, he didn't just let me go. Because that would have been easier.

„I'll call a taxi." I murmured. My car was at home because I was originally supposed to sleep at Shannon's place. My mother brought me to the city and she would have come to pick me up tomorrow. Like in elementary school. I almost smiled.

„Don't be stupid." Both his voice and what he said surprised me. It was unexpected. „Get back in the car and I will take you home." His jaw tensed as if he expected me to protest, ready to counterattack. The golden spots froze in his eyes and he suddenly looked older than usual. I guess, it was a long day for both of us. I should do ourselves a favour and end this hellish day as soon as possible. And he still was half-naked. He got some questioning, weird looks, and some eyes were full of schadenfreude. I must end his suffering as well. He protected me today after all.

„As you wish." I agreed and got into the car. Again. He seemed a little taken aback but he wasted no time. He sat behind the wheel and we set off.