Chapter 13

As soon as I left the university, I saw him. Nothing indicated that he was a detective, yet he stood out among the students. Perhaps it was the atmosphere that made him different. The college students were easygoing and carefree while he was like he had a grey cloud over his head. He was gloomy like never before and seemed a little bit worried. It's been two days since we last saw each other and I thought he changed his mind. About getting to know me better.

I was relieved and now he is here. He was leaning on his car, looking at me like he was determined to get what he wanted at any cost. But I won't be influenced by him and I don't care what he wants. No way!

I changed direction and pretended not to notice him. I still had time for a detour. Well, it's not like he left it at that. Of course not. He took my arm, which I immediately pulled away, but I still stopped.

„We have to talk." He said without any further ado, grumpily.

„Here?" I looked around the crowded street. Passers-by avoided us in annoyance.

„No. Of course not here." He shook his head slowly.

„Then where?" I asked even though I wasn't interested in the answer. „Anyway, I have to go to work. I don't have time."

„You still have more than half an hour until your shift." I turned towards him annoyed and curious.

„How do you know that?" I inquired and he slightly smiled.

„I am a detective after all." He replied. „Don't worry. It is not a personal visit. I have a few questions related to the investigation." Perhaps there has been progress? Did they find something? Is there a suspect? What is it about? I have to know. Without saying anything, I nodded in agreement.

He wanted to take my hand to lead me to his car but I pulled away. He didn't seem offended, more like he was pondering something. I suddenly had a bad feeling. Most people would take offence as if it was their fault and not mine that I don't let them touch me. The funniest part of it all is that I long to touch and to be touched by others, but on the other hand, I am afraid and disgusted. Or is it tragic? Maybe it fits a tragicomedy.

We walked to his car in silence. And after that, he was a true gentleman because he opened the door for me and closed it after I got in. He went around the car and got in too.

„Where should we go?" I asked and he sighed.

„I don't know. We need a place where we can be alone." I looked at him suspiciously. „I don't want anyone else to hear our conversation." He added after seeing my gaze.

„Why would anyone else be interested in our conversation?" I didn't understand and he just shrugged and didn't say anything else. „So how about we talk here?" I brought it up. „I don't think anyone can slip in here unnoticed." After some consideration, he nodded.

„All right." He seemed troubled and took a deep breath. „In the last few days, we interrogated several people. There were also those whom we visited more times. Turns out Seth wasn't as popular as you said. There were some very shocking claims." A fire alarm went off in my head. There is trouble. I felt it. And I was afraid of what else would come out of his mouth. „They said some pretty disturbing things about your brother." Don't call him that! „He was a persistent guy and even more." Well, you can say it that way. „There were girls he called late at night and... „ Here he stopped for a moment. „He said some interesting things. Some were already thinking about filing a restraining order. I guess he didn't understand that no means no. Or he just didn't know when to give up. And some girls were really scared of him and tried to avoid him as much as possible. Did you know about this?"

I heard the question but I froze. My mouth didn't move and no sound came out. I had a lot going on in my head. It wasn't just me. He had other victims. He also abused and hurt others. And yet, he didn't have to face the consequences when he was still alive. Why? Maybe he didn't go as far with others as he did with me. Or perhaps he chose girls with similar personalities. Girls who would only go to the police as a last, desperate measure. He was smart enough to do it. That damn bastard! But he can never hurt anyone again. I took care of that.

I blinked once, then pulled back in alarm because his face was barely an inch from mine.

„Are you okay?" He asked worriedly, frowning.

„Yes, I am." I replied. „I was just very shocked." That was the truth. „I knew nothing about these."

„I see." He nodded. „But that raised another question." Just one?

„What is that?"

„If he harassed other girls and it seems like he really did, then what would have prevented him from doing the same to you?"

Lie! Deny everything. The voice in my head screamed at me. This time I didn't freeze like before. I can handle this situation. I gave him a confused smile. It wasn't a real smile though. I would rather run away, but that would be quite telling. How should I react? Should I be surprised as if even the assumption is absurd? Or should I be indignant that he thinks such a thing? Or... How?

His gaze bothered me. He noticed my every movement. It's like he didn't even care about my answer because he was more interested in my body language. After all, sometimes there is more truth to it than what people say. Hopefully not in my case.

I had to learn to control my facial expressions a long time ago so it was never hard to keep a straight face. No matter what happened, my face was always the same.

And I conscientiously took care of appearances all the time. I rarely used makeup, but my hair and skin were always well taken care of. My clothes were clean, never wrinkled, and didn't show much skin.

I hated it when people stared at me. I always felt like they were looking at me just to find some fault. And for me, flaws were unforgivable. They reveal too much.

On the surface, I was a solid, fashionable girl. Nothing extra, nothing extraordinary, and nothing interesting. And that was exactly what I wanted. So people will think I am a boring person and they won't want to know me. Because if they tried to get to know me, then maybe they would have found something I wanted to hide at all costs.

And anyway, if I looked nearly perfect on the outside, they would never think that deep down, inside nothing is all right with me. If I look neat on the surface, I will be a neat person in their eyes.

People trust appearances too much. As if goodness and beauty, ugliness and evil always go hand in hand. However, there are perverted people with angelic faces who are rotten to the core and those who are not very beautiful, but whose hearts are gold. This is such a general truth.

I wonder, is there a connection between beauty and evil? Do beautiful people often become rude and mean because they know that their looks are a kind of power they can use? Do they abuse it and sink deeper and deeper? While the not-so-pretty people know how harsh life can be, so they try to be nice and helpful? Whether it's true or not, the fact is that ugly people start this life at a disadvantage in this society.

„No, Seth never hurt me." I shook my head firmly. The lie came easily, but his eyes remained unreadable. He nodded, just to himself. He didn't say anything, but he didn't take his eyes off me. The silence grew more nerve-wracking by the minute. „Is there a suspect?" I asked the first thing that came to my mind. „I mean, maybe one of the girls you mentioned earlier?" I added. His eyes changed a bit, but I couldn't figure out what they meant.

„Everyone is a suspect. We treat everyone with due care, there's no need to worry. We believe that if we ask the right questions, we will get the answers we are looking for."

„So... You haven't come up with anything yet. There is no clear evidence." He reluctantly nodded, and I was immensely relieved. „Can I ask something?" I inquired as he started the car. Well, yes. If I don't want to be late, we better get going. He didn't look at me, his attention was on the road, but he murmured a yes. „Would it be possible for you not to tell my mother these things about Seth?"

„Why?" I couldn't see his gaze and only saw his face from the side, but his voice was curious. I didn't want to tell, but I had no choice. I gave a resigned sigh.

„My mother loves Seth. After all, he is her son in every way except biologically. I don't want these things to ruin his memory for her. I am worried about how this would affect her."

It was true, but not completely. If they told her, then maybe she would come to the same conclusion as Rhys. That Seth harassed me too. And that would raise more and more questions. I don't want her to know or to suspect. To look at me differently or to think about things in the past. This time it was his turn to sigh in disappointment.

„This is impossible for two reasons. First of all, Édoard is currently talking to your mother, sharing this news and asking questions. They may have already finished. Second, we can't properly question your mother without providing the appropriate information we have. I am sorry." His apology seemed sincere.

„I understand." I mumbled nonchalantly. But at least Ailish doesn't have to know about it. It's more than nothing.

The car stopped and I looked up in surprise. Huh, are we already here? I reached for the handle to get out, but he caught my wrist and stopped me. I turned to him. He stared at his hand as if amazed that it was his. He looked confused as he let me go and pulled back.

„I think I need a coffee." He murmured and was the first to get out of the vehicle. I followed him and he locked the auto. He headed for the cafe and I couldn't help but go after him. I can't forbid him to come in. How nice it would be.

Once we got in, I went back to get dressed and he probably sat down at a table. I can only hope it's not one of mine. I had a few words with Mick and then started working.

Of course, he was sitting at my desk. I decided to be petty. After serving everyone else, I went to him only then. I put on a fake smile. Mick didn't expect too much from us, but he wanted us to be friendly.

„What can I get you, sir?" I asked and even I felt it was a bit much. And childish. But he just smiled and seemed to find it entertaining.

„An espresso, please." He said and I nodded.

I went back, placed his order and after it was ready, put the cup in front of him on the table. His eyes fell on my left hand, more precisely on my tattoo. It didn't hurt but it was sensitive. Mother took it shockingly easy. She said at least it's not a naked guy or something scandalous.

„It's pretty." That's all he said, nothing more.

After that, I devoted my attention to the paying customers. The next time my gaze wandered to his table, he was gone. I felt inexplicably disappointed. But what did I expect? That he will say goodbye to me? How stupid! Why would he do it?

Fortunately, it's already Friday, the best day of the week. I will go home and rest. And I can spend plenty of time with my family. That's enough for me.