Chapter 27

I was tensing up uncomfortably in the back seat of the car in my new clothes. My mother insisted that I wear 'femininely pretty' clothes when I met Rhys's family and she didn't care that it was freezing outside. She also wore a skirt, but it was longer and more conservative. She had a lot of these clothes so it wasn't difficult for her to dress up, but I had no idea where she got the one I was wearing. I had never seen it before and no matter what I said she wouldn't let me dress the way I wanted. She can be so stubborn and old-fashioned sometimes. I wasn't used to showing so much skin, I liked it better when most of my body was covered and my figure was not easily discernible.

Despite my discomfort, Ailish smiled cheerfully in the passenger seat. Mother wanted her to wear something terrible too, but she successfully defended herself. She said she's just a girl, not a woman, so it's fine if she's just 'girlishly pretty' and not 'femininely' and that can be achieved with simple jeans and a t-shirt. And after that, she even managed to sit next to mother in the front. She would be a great politician if she wanted to. She wouldn't have a problem walking all over the people either.

And if all that wasn't enough, Mother even insisted on makeup. I didn't really mind, but I was putting on a front for the sake of appearance. These girly things have been left out of our relationship so it was something new. It was a good feeling to be taken care of and thanks to her I became really pretty. It wasn't very noticeable but it highlighted my eyes nicely.

As we got closer, two feelings fought inside me. I was afraid of meeting his family and him too, but on the other hand, I wanted to meet and impress them.

After all, he had never seen me like this before, well, he did, but it's better not to remember that occasion. And I think I look better this time. I hope he thinks so too.

I don't know which feeling is stronger. The fear or the excitement? I've never felt like this. Fear of being disliked. I never cared about it, but this is his family and he somehow became important to me. I don't know how he did it, it just happened.

Mother navigated and drove at the same time, so I had nothing to do. I would be happy if I had something to occupy myself. I wonder what Rhys' mother is like. Does she have eyes like his son? With those gold dots in it? And her smile? It might be the same. It could also be that he looks like his father, but if so, I won't find out.

And why was he so reluctant? At first, it seemed like he really wanted me to meet them, then... As if he changed his mind. But what happened in the meantime? What happened to make his way of thinking take such a turn? I know it wasn't because of me, when we met he was as happy for me as ever. And he kissed me the same way as if he couldn't get enough of me. I wanted him to hug me right now so that I could feel the warmth of his body, his closeness, that he still wanted me. To make all my insecurities disappear. I needed him and his touch.

"Hey!" Ailish waved her hand in front of my face. I backed away in surprise.

"What is it?" I asked blinking.

"We are here." She grinned at me. "Wake up!"

I shook myself and got out of the car. I found myself face-to-face with Rhys. He seemed tired, had bags under his eyes and somehow looked older. I wanted to wrap my arms around his shoulders and snuggle up to him completely so that our skin could come into contact without hindrance. But this desire scared me. Especially that I wanted to get under his skin and dispel all doubts from his eyes. I wanted to lift the trouble off his shoulders. Is it normal?

He didn't even budge, just stared into my eyes, as if he was looking for an answer in them, but at the same time, he looked a little dazed. He was wearing black jeans and a simple white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, but he still looked very good. 

A man, a few centimetres shorter than him, but with a bigger body, appeared next to him. The sunlight glinted on her light blond hair, and her dark green eyes stared at me curiously. He just looked at the two of us for a moment and then slapped Rhys in the back. As a result, he took a hesitant step towards me, then shook his head and approached me. He lowered his head, resting his forehead against mine.

„You are very pretty." He whispered and his breath warmed my face and he planted a soft kiss on my mouth.

I was wearing a cute little blue floral one-piece dress that left most of my arms and legs exposed, and the cleavage was deeper than I was used to. I appreciated that he didn't use fancy, big words, these simple ones rang true, so they meant a lot more.

"Hey! If possible not in front of me, guys!" The big blonde-haired man shouted. Rhys lifted his head.

„If you only knew how many times I've moved to another room so I don't get sick of you and Maggie. Not that you noticed." The blonde just laughed. Who exactly is this? And where is this Maggie?

I glanced back at our car, mother and Ailish were still standing next to it, a little tense, then mother straightened up and walked over to us. My younger sister followed her. She held out her hand to Rhys and he took it. Strange feelings swirled in me as I watched them shake hands.

„I am glad that we can meet in much more pleasant circumstances than last time." He said but my mother just nodded. She didn't trust him, so I couldn't blame her. I hadn't had a chance to tell her that he was no longer investigating Seth's case.

"Let's go in." The blond guy suggested it. „Everyone can get to know everyone inside."

I turned around and saw a huge house. It was painted blue, except for the window trim, which was white. Dark blue curtains hung in the window and flowers in all kinds of colors grew in the pots. It was a nice, neat house with a veranda at the front. It must be very lonely living in there alone. Our house is not small, but it is not that big and we fill it completely.

Rhys put his hand on my back and led me towards the house, into the living room where two women and a little boy were waiting for us. His mother, his sister and her son. The blond man is obviously her sister's husband.

Her sister was a tall woman but looked short next to the men. Her dark brown hair was dyed blonde, so she was probably the woman with Rhys at the restaurant which I visited with Shannon.

Her eyes were also different from Rhys's, a darker shade of brown and no trace of gold flecks. She wasn't hostile, but she wasn't nice either. She stared at me as if wondering if I was good enough for her brother. She was Maggie. Her husband, the blonde, was named Dan, and their son, who looked exactly like his father was Ethan. He might have been a few years younger than Ailish, but he was taller than her. And Rhys' mother...

She was completely grey and her eyes were the same as Rhys's but dimmer. She had a friendly face with wrinkles around her eyes that showed she smiled a lot. Yet her eyes belied this with the sadness in them. She seemed so broken, lifeless, or rather hopeless.

Less than half an hour has passed and everyone seems to have found their place. Ailish and Ethan got along quite well and my mother was talking to Rhys' mum, Mariah and his sister. Dan watched the children and asked my sister questions every now and then. Rhys and I were left alone, so to speak.

„Your mother is very nice." I told him and he smiled softly.

„And yours is suspicious of me." So he noticed. No wonder.

„I've never introduced her to a man." Not that there was anyone. His gaze softened.

„And the fact that I'm a detective isn't a good thing for her, is it?" He asked gently, but it scared me. Maybe he knows more than I think. But before I could ask him why he thought that, his mother spoke up and said something very strange.

„Maggie, you put one less plate on the table." He chided his daughter gently. „Your father is late, as always, but he can still come by the end of lunch."

„I'm sorry, mom. I will bring it immediately." Her eyes were sad as she glanced at her mother before disappearing behind one of the doors.

I looked at Rhys, but he avoided my eyes. What the hell is going on here? Isn't his father dead? I looked at Mariah again. She was a little different, her gaze changed. There was life and hope in them. She smiled and somehow her face also shone. It was like being a different person. I didn't understand anything.

„Rhys." I touched his arm, but he stepped back. He's never done that before.

„Lunch must be ready by now." He mumbled without even looking at me. „Let's sit down."

A large table dominated the room, so everyone could fit comfortably. Everyone settled on a chair and I got between my mother and Dan. This is even weirder. I was sure that Rhys would want to sit next to me, but he seemed to want to keep his distance and it hurt. What is going on here?

„I'll bring the soup." Mariah appeared with a large pot in her hand.

„Maybe he changed his mind." An insidious, malevolent voice boomed out. „Does he not want you anymore? Why would he want to? He can find someone much better than you if he looks around the world a bit." I just shook my head. I did not want to think about the truth of this.

„Is there something wrong?" Maggie looked at me searchingly.

„Nothing! Nothing in the world!" I forced a smile on my face. Just my dead stepbrother made some nasty comments. I can hardly say that.

Everyone took some of the soup in a nice line. There was only one empty seat at the table, but no one looked that way. The atmosphere was oppressive, nothing could be heard except the sound of spoon and plate meeting. No one spoke. Until Mariah looked at the empty chair and shuddered. The endless sadness returned to her eyes as she looked for her daughter's gaze.

„Maggie." There was pain in her voice and more. „You brought one more plate." She didn't look directly back at her mother, but Mariah's gaze softened. „I know it's hard to forget the usual things, but that chair over there has been empty for a long time. He will never sit on it again."

The spoon fell from her hand, and her eyes welled up with tears. She stood up, the chair overturned and seemed especially loud as it hit the floor in the frozen silence. Almost at the same time, Maggie jumped up and walked over to her. Rhys was no different, and they both asked her worriedly, but I couldn't hear them well. Then Rhys led her out of the dining room and Maggie turned to us.

„There's nothing wrong with her, right?" Mom asked worriedly, frowning.

„There isn't." She sighed, but the sigh contradicted her words. „I'm sorry that lunch turned out this way, but you'd better go now."

„But maybe it will be better next time..." Dan tried to take the edge off his wife's words.

It was nice of him but unnecessary. Of course, Maggie wants to get rid of the strangers when her mother is not well. We can't help - maybe neither can they - and we'd just be in the way.

„Maybe." Mother said not very convincingly. „Come on, Ailish. Maggie is right, we are not needed." My sister said goodbye to Ethan and walked over to Mother.

„Thank you." She muttered and my mother nodded. After we left the house, she took a deep breath.

„Well, this could have gone better." She then said and laughed nervously. „Rhys seems like a decent guy, but be careful with him."

„I think he and his family were very nice." Ailish chirped as Mom opened the car door, but I didn't come any closer.

"Aren't you coming?" She asked with raised eyebrows, but not really surprised.

"No." I shook my head. "I still want to talk to Rhys."

"It's only natural." She nodded and got behind the wheel. "But don't get home too late!" She waved, slammed the door and drove off.

I turned back towards the house. Maybe that wasn't such a good idea. Rhys may not have the time or inclination for me. It doesn't matter though. I sat on the porch and waited.