Push Through


Mei Xing slept a little without so much weight on her chest after the confrontation. She was satisfied that she got to air out her feelings and her decision.

Whether he likes it or not, Mei Xing's determination to leave him is steadfast.

However, thoughts of how and where she would begin her new journey plagued her. Trained to be a housewife, Mei Xing did not have the opportunity to put her college degree to good use.

Now she'll have to start afresh. First, to get a house as quickly as possible and the next would be to get a job to keep her above water.

As soon as it was bright enough for people to begin their daily activities, Mei Xing put a call to her friend, Yi Chunhua.

After a few rings, the call was answered and a squeal immediately followed after. "Mei Xing!!"

"Morning, Chunhua. Thanks for almost making me deaf," Mei Xing teased.

"Oh you," Yi Chunhua sighed. " How are you, Mei? What's new?"

"I'm breaking grounds, making changes," Mei Xing shrugged.

"Changes?" Yi Chunhua was confused.

"Yes. I'm getting a divorce," Mei Xing broke the news.

"What? How dare that bastard give you a divorce after all you've done and been through for him?" Yi Chunhua raged.

"Calm down, spitfire. It's not him giving the divorce. It's me. I told him I don't want to keep going."

"You did?"


"Are you sure about this, Mei?"

"Chunhua, what's your deal? Do you also think I can't live without Houyi?" Mei Xing was quite offended by the doubt she heard in her friend's voice.

Yi Chunhua quickly explained herself, "No, sweetheart. Don't get me wrong on this. What I meant was how will you tell your family? Your mother would throw a fit."

Mei Xing grew silent for a while. How could have forgotten about that aspect? Of course, there will be her family questioning her decision and calling her petty just because her husband missed their anniversary.

Her mind was instantly flooded with past memories.

"It's just a day picked out of many. You both can celebrate it together some other time," her mother said.

"Give him a break, will you? Running a company as big as his, takes a lot of effort. Don't put extra pressure on him."

Those were the words she was consoled with when she told her parents that Feng Houyi missed their very first anniversary as a married couple.

"And you know you've always been confined by their words and decisions for you. You just go with whatever they tell you to do. It's how you landed in your marriage with that douchebag in the first place. In fact, it's as if you have lived your life for them. And whenever I call you out on it, you just shut me out," Yi Chunhua added.

"I know and I'm so sorry about that," Mei Xing let out a frustrated groan.

"I understand. That's why I'm asking if you are sure this is what you want. You know I'm here to support whatever decision you make. I just want to be sure you don't back out while I'm having your back."

Sighing, Mei Xing stood from the bed and headed over to the window pane, "I know I don't want to feel unappreciated and disrespected anymore. Even if I'm not cut out for love in this lifetime."

"You deserved to be loved, girl. Don't give up so easily. It'll find you if you're in the right place and that is definitely not with Mrs Feng as your title," Yi Chunhua said.

Mei Xing chuckled and shook off the gloomy atmosphere."If you say so. Anyway, I want to start taking steps away from this marriage as soon as possible. I need a place to stay while I find an apartment for myself. All other things can come after that."

"Girl, you don't need to ask for permission. Just pack your bags and show up unannounced on my doorstep and I will welcome you with love, you'll consider marrying me after the divorce," Yi Chunhua joked.

Laughing, they talked a bit more before ending the call. Mei Xing left the guest bedroom she slept in to the main bedroom.

She noticed that Feng Houyi was not at home and must have gone off to work. Feeling joyous about his absence, Mei Xing hurried to pack whatever she owned and left.


Feng Houyi was going through a report when a knock came. He answered without lifting his head from the report.

"Come in."

The door pushed open and closed with a soft click, followed by the repeated clashing of heels on the tiles floor.

"Sir, you have a visitor," Feng Houyi lifted his head at the words of his secretary.

"Who?" He asked.

"He claims to be a lawyer of Mrs Feng, your wife," his secretary said.

"My wife?" Feng Houyi's brows furrowed.

The secretary nodded and placed one of her palms on the other. "Should I send him away or–"

"Escort him in," Feng Houyi ordered and went back to his work.

The secretary nodded and left. In a few seconds, she was back but she wasn't alone. Following her was a man dressed in a formal black suit and a briefcase in his right hand.

"Sir, he is here," she called his attention.

Feng Houyi raised his head again and his eyes accessed the man.

"Get our guest some refreshments," Feng Houyi said.

"Yes sir."

"That won't be necessary, Mr Feng. I don't plan on staying long," the lawyer declined.

Feng Houyi's secretary waited for her boss to give her the go-ahead. Feng Houyi nodded and with a flick of his wrist, he dismissed his secretary.

"Have a sit then." As soon as the lawyer sat, Feng Houyi cut straight to the chase. "Who are you and to what do I owe this unannounced meeting?"

"I'm Han Cinan and I'm a lawyer of your wife, Mrs Feng. I'm here to discuss the divorce she mentioned to you," the lawyer cut straight to the point.

Feng Houyi scoffed and murmured, "To think she still wants this stupid divorce."


Feng Houyi trailed his eyes back to the man sitting opposite him, "There is nothing to discuss, Mr. Han and there certainly will not be any divorce."

Lawyer Han stared him dead in the eye and said, "You see, I am very determined and passionate about my work, Mr Feng. That is to say that the freedom my client so much desires would be granted unto her. Notwithstanding, I am going to push through with this divorce until it is signed by both parties."

Lightly pushing his chair backwards, Lawyer Han stood and adjusted his suit jacket. "I'll be back. By then I hope Mr Feng will easily cooperate with me. Do have a nice day."