Let's Kidnap and Threaten Him


Mei Xing put a call through lawyer Han after freshening up from her outing. After the little unpleasant chat she had with Feng Houyi, she was quite anxious.

At first lawyer Han didn't respond to her call, bit on second tell, he did.

There was a little rustling sounds before his voice came through. "Hello. This is Han Cinan. Who is on the line?"

"Ahem! Good afternoon, Mr Han. It's Mei Xing, Feng Houyi's ex-wife," Mei Xing responded immediately.

"Oh, Miss Mei Xing. Good afternoon. To what do I owe this call?"

"I apologize if I may have disturbed you. However, I would like to know if there are any updates about my divorce process."

"There isn't much to say. Mr Feng is proving to be stubborn. He wouldn't sign the papers and he has proceeded to stop me from stepping into his place of work," lawyer Han filled her in.

"He has taken it to such length, huh," Mei Xing exhaled.

"There is one thing I find confusing, Miss Mei Xing..." Lawyer spoke and paused, as if waiting for a go-ahead.

"Go on."

"If Mr Feng hasn't been showing much interest in you, why is he so adamant about signing the divorce papers? Would that not be beneficial to you both?" Lawyer Han asked.

Mei Xing sighed. "It bothers me too, Mr Han. But whether he likes me or not, I care less about it. All I want is for the divorce to become official. I don't want any links to him."

"Hmm. I understand. Set your mind at ease Miss Mei Xing. I will do everything in my capability and power to make sure you come out of this case as a single woman," lawyer Han assured her

"Thank you, Mr Han."

With that said, Mei Xing ended the call and went out to join Yi Chunhua in the living room.

"All good?" Yi Chunhua asked as soon as Mei Xing sat beside her.

"I hope so. Mr Han said he will do whatever he can to help me out. But I'm thinking of ways of how I can make Feng Houyi sign the divorce papers," Mei Xing said.

"How about we get him kidnapped and threaten to chop off his balls if he does not sign?" Yi Chunhua suggested with thrill in her eyes.

Mei Xing chuckled and shook her head. "No, Chu. We can't just kidnap a person. First, it is illegal and secondly, there will be no chopping of anyone's balls."

"Okay. Then what if we get people to beat him up and force him to sign?"

"Goodness gracious, Chu. How many movies have you gotten into your head? Snap out of your violent fantasy, girl" Mei Xing gently flicked Yi Chunhua's forehead.

Yi Chunhua pouted and grumbled. "You're no fun."

"Tsk. I won't be any better if I ended up in jail," Mei Xing snorted.

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

The evening passed on slowly as Mei Xing and Yi Chunhua finished chatting on over dinner. Mei Xing went to her room to work on all she and Lu Aotian reviewed.

While working, a call came through. It was from her mother. Mei Xing let out a heavy and frustrated sigh.

She knew the reason for the call, in fact she has been expecting it. Despite that, she did not want to answer the call. And she didn't.

She pressed on the power button of her phone, silencing the incessant ringing before she turned the phone over.

"Maybe I should consider blocking her number," Mei Xing muttered. "Argh, forget it. I need to focus on this project."

~The next day~

Mei Xing stood motionless before the tall, electronic gate built with intricate designs- a shade hovering over it. Her breaths were slow and deep as her thoughts ran faster than a hundred miles per hour.

She had taken some time to think over her purpose- to put an end to her mother's ridiculous expectations. So while she waited to the gate to opened, she mentally rehearsed.

The gates groan open, revealing a meticulously manicured garden, where flowers bloom in a riot of colours.

The cobblestone path beneath her feet guides Mei Xing toward the imposing mansion, its architecture a testament to the family's wealth and legacy.

With each step, the click of her shoes resonates, echoing against the stone walls. A gentle breeze stirred the leaves of the trees lining the path she walked. The scent of blooming flowers mingles with the faint aroma of aged wood.

Mei Xing observes the play of sunlight on the frosted glass windows, casting kaleidoscopic patterns on the ground.

A mix of anticipation and trepidation were in her gaze. Reaching the grand entrance, she stood face-to-face with the towering double doors adorned with intricate carvings.

Mei Xing exhaled sharply. It was time to dance to a tone other than the one she has robitically followed all her life.

She lifted her hand to place a knock on the door but stopped midway when the handles ducked. As they swung open, a woman in servant's uniform came into view.

To clarify Mei Xing's inner questions, the woman smiled, "Welcome, young miss. They have been waiting for you."

Mei Xing swallowed. "Waiting?"

"Yes. Come in."

The woman held the door opened and stepped aside to let Mei Xing inside the mansion. Her eyes roamed round, taking in both the familiar and unfamiliar things.


With a curt nod, Mei Xing followed the maid. The further they went, she began to hear soft murmurs of conversations and the distant melodies of a piano invited her in.

The foyer, a symphony of opulence, holds memories etched into every polished surface.

Mei Xing's uncertainty slowly began to dissolve in the warmth of the familiar surroundings, as the mansion unveils not just its grandeur, but the good times of her childhood.

"Ah. I see you have finally come to your senses, Mei Xing," Mrs Luo said, drawing the attention of the other two in the living room.