The Club


Light goes off in several different colours as the beats and sounds of music consume the club. People continued to troop and find their way around or through the bodies moving to the rhythm of the music.

At the bar sat Mei Xing and her friend, Yi Chunhua- she had successfully been talked into coming to a club.

Mei Xing's eyes roamed around the large room, taking in whatever her eyes met with, as Yi Chunhua ordered for them. As the first time in a club, she was intrigued by the happenings.

Leaning closer to Yi Chunhua, Mei Xing asked. "Do people make out in the open in clubs? Or is it just those two who are extremely high and horny?"

Yi Chunhua turned to look in the direction Mei Xing nodded towards. A couple was making out, lips intertwined and clothes almost coming off.

Yi Chunhua chuckled and passed Mei Xing her drink. "It's not a foreign act in clubs, Mei. Besides, if you look around, you will find out that no one gives a damn about them."

"Oh," Mei Xing's brows rose at the lesson learnt. She took a quick sniff and sip of her drink. "Hmm. This is good but strong."

The Red Roof was a well-known bar in the city. It was a high-end bar that had even celebrities on its premises, as it was known for not only the quality of drinks served but also the confidentiality and privacy it assures its customers.

Hence the reason why people from both the rich and the rich could visit. It was still a wonder how Yi Chunhua could get them in.

Yi Chunhua downed the contents of her glass in one go before she stood up. "We won't get to forget anything if we just sit down here and drink."

Mei Xing lifted an eyebrow as she awaited Yi Chunhua's words.

"Let's go and dance, bestie. It's time for some fun"

Mei Xing smiled. Fun- it's been a long time since she had had fun. "Let's dance then."

Mei Xing danced to the lively music on the packed dance floor of the fancy club. Neon lights flashed vibrant colours across the energetic bodies on the dance floor, creating an atmosphere of excitement and luxury.

This was her first time in such an upscale place, and the experience so far was exhilarating.

Beside her, Mei's best friend, Yi Chunhua, laughed and twirled under the mesmerizing lights. They attracted attention but they didn't care, not until Yi Chunhua was approached by a guy.

"Hey, gorgeous. Can I have a dance?" He asked. He was an eye candy.

"I can't dance with you. I want to be with my friend," Yi Chunhua politely declined. But Mei Xing shook her head.

"I will be okay on my own, Chu. I'll just get a drink."


"Just listen to me. Besides, my feet can keep up in these heels for too long. But that should not stop you from having a little bit of fun, okay?"

"You sure?"

"Absolutely." Seeing that Yi Chunhua was still unwilling, Mei Xing added. "Don't worry. I'll come drag you out if I need to go home."

"Alright. Be safe," Yi Chunhua agreed before letting herself be pulled into another dance with the hot hunk.

Mei Xing left the dance floor to the bar. After taking her seat, she tapped on the counter a few times to get the bartender's attention.

"Can I get a drink, please?"

"And what does the lady want?" The bartender asked.

"Just mix something up for me. Oh and add a slice of lime to it, please?"

"I've got the best combo for you, miss. Give a minute."

As the bartender went to work, Mei Xing's eyes fell back to the dance floor, searching for her best friend. She spotted Yi Chunhua laughing at whatever the hell the guy said.

"Welp, she's having fun," she turned back.

"And what about you?" She heard a voice ask.

"Me?" She asked and shrugged, accepting her drink from the bartender. "I guess I'm trying to have fun too."

The man beside her chuckled. "Alone?"

Mei Xing's eyes trialled to her side, meeting a pair of light green eyes that weren't behind rimless glass this time.

Mei Xing squinted her eyes. "You," she pointed at him. "Have we... met before?"

Lu Aotian chuckled yet again. "Am I that forgettable?" He teased with a grin.

Drunk Mei Xing seemed to be mesmerized by his smile. "Well, with a face that good, I don't think so."


"Yeah." She took a few sips from her drink. "Which leads me to the question again. Have we met before? I can't shake off this familiar feeling."

"We have, Miss Architect," Lu Aotian confirmed.

Mei Xing gasped. "How do you know that?"

"Like I said, we have met before. But let's not talk about that," he veered around so he could be facing her. "Why are you at a club, alone and getting drunk?" He asked.

Mei Xing sighed, her eyes dropping to the almost empty glass in her hands. "We are trying to forget our shitty past."

"We?" Lu Aotian raised a brow.

Mei Xing nodded. "I'm not alone. I came with my best friend. She's dancing."

"While you are here all alone? That doesn't sound nice?"

"Don't blame her. She didn't want to. I told her I'd be fine." Mei Xing sighed and said, "I don't want to ruin the fun for at least one of us."

Lu Aotian was silent as he observed her. She looked rather different tonight. Less formal and hot in her shimmering green dress.

But he also noticed she had something that's on her mind. Something that is bothering her. He could not help but ask.

"Are you okay?" When Mei Xing only stared without an answer, he elaborated. "You look sad."

Mei Xing sighed her eyes blurring with tears. Those words. That question, she hasn't heard for years. Not from her so-called husband and neither from her family.

They always went on about what she had to do. They never stopped to ask if she was okay with it. They didn't even notice if she was sad.

Then this man, a stranger, seemed to care more about her than people she knew as family. She suddenly felt pitiful.