

"Feng Houyi has pulled away part of his investment from your father's company."

Mei Xing's eyes dilated. She was shocked beyond words. Disbelief clouded her expression.

She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to Yi Chuhua voicelessly asking what was happening. Mei Xing held out her hand, telling her to hold on.

"What? Why would he…"

"Have you seen what your selfishness has brought upon us? Before we know it, other investors will soon hear of it and also decide to withdraw," Mrs Luo said.


"There is no but," Mei Xing was cut off. "You had better hurry about that apology. That is the only way we can beg him to put back his investment. You hear me."

Before Mei Xing had the chance to voice her disapproval, the call went dead. Her mother had hung up on her. Mei Xing sighed as her shoulders dropped.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Yi Chuhua asked as her eyes roamed Mei Xing's face.

Sighing, Mei Xing turned to look at her. "Something did happen, alright. Something major and it's pressuring," she replied.

Yi Chuhua's brows furrowed. "Have they taken a serious step to get you back with Fedng Houyi?" At the mention of his name, Mei Xing groaned with tight-shut eyes.

"Mei, you are beginning to scare me here. Can you please tell me what's wrong?"

"No, they have not taken any step. But it has something to do with Feng Houyi being the most petty human being that exists."

There was a momentary amount of silence before she started to speak again. "He took out part of his investment from my… father's company."

Yi Chuhua gasped. "That prick. What the heck is his problem?"

"Apparently, me. He is doing this to get me to come back and beg. He wants to prove the reason he didn't agree to the divorce in the first place," Mei Xing answered.

"And your parents- your mother especially, is the right pawn to use in his game," Yi Chuhua added.

Mei Xing sighed and dropped her head on the island. "I know. But you see, that's their own problem. They brought this upon themselves."

"So, what will you do about this now?"

Mei Xing up and picked up her phone. Tapping quickly, she placed it by her ear and said, "I am going to do what's best for me."

Yi Chuhua was confused. But her confusion turned to realization when Mei Xing began the phone call.

"Hello, Longwen. I'm sorry to bother you."

"Not at all. What's up?"

"I'm calling about that offer. I have given it enough thought." Taking deep breaths, she smiled and said, "I accept. I am willing to take on the job you have for me."

"Really? It hasn't been long since I called. Don't rush into making any decision Mei Xing. I will understand if you-"

"There is no need for me to wait till dawn before I make a decision. This is an opportunity people rarely come across. Now that it has come to me, I am not willing to let it slip away. So, yes. I want that job," she confirmed.

Longwen smiled and nodded. "Okay then. How about you come into the company tomorrow to sign your employment contract?"

"Sounds good. I will see you tomorrow. Thank you."

"Yes, tomorrow. Have a good night, Mei."

"You too."

As soon as Mei Xing put down her phone indicating the end of the call, Yi Chuhua squealed in excitement. Mei Xing smiled brightly.

"Oh my gosh, babe. I am sooo proud of you right now," Yi Chuhua said into their hug.

"Thanks, Chu."

"Now that's how to take reigns over your life."


As promised, Mei Xing woke up early to get ready to head to Longwen's company. After having her bath, she stood before her wardrobe thinking of an outfit to wear.

"Aha!" She clicked her fingers. "I know just what to wear."

In thirty minutes max, Mei Xing was fully prepared for work. She dressed in a tailored charcoal grey pantsuit with a modern cut, paired with a crisp ivory blue blouse for a touch of sophistication.

Hanging on her arm was a sleek leather bag in black. Wrapped around her wrist, neck and on her ears were subtle silver accessories to add a finishing touch to her poised and professional look.

"Damn, you look ready to take on the world of architecture, baby," Yi Chuhua's words of praise elicited a faint hue of pink on Mei Xing's cheek. She ran her palm on her hair which was pulled up in a high ponytail.

"Thanks for the compliment. I feel a little nervous though," she admitted with a wry smile.

Yi Chuhua's jaw dropped as she walked up to Mei Xing. "Girl, if you are nervous, you do not look like it."

"Really?" Mei Xing asked in doubt.

"Really. Now trust me when I say that man won't have any regrets in hiring you because you are great at what you do. You really love this field. So I believe that you're going to rock this," Yi Chuhua encouraged her.

Mei Xing sighed and nodded. "Okay. I've got this. I'll see you later, Chu. Bye."

"I'll head out soon. Bye."

~At Yand Architectural Firm~

Mei Xing found herself sitting in a room with just a long table and chairs lining it. Opposite her was a man who from his words, was Longwen's assistant.

He had just finished going over the clause on the contract and asked her to still go over it. In the midst of it, she heard him say, "If there is anything you would like to change, please do not hesitate to let me know. We will work it out before you sign it."

Mei ing shook her head in an affirmative no. There was nothing wrong with the contract. The pay was good and the position she was given was higher than she had expected. There were even clauses that said she could work from home if the need arose.

"I think the contract is very suitable for me. There's no need to alter anything, thank you," she responded.

The assistant nodded. "If you say so, ma'am. Please sign here, here, here and here," he showed her all the places that needed her signature.

Mei Xing signed accordingly and blew out a quiet breath of relief. The assistant stood and held out his hand to her. "Welcome to Yang Architectural Firm."

Mei Xing took his hand and shook it firmly. "Thank you. I won't let this company down."