A Win-win Situation


"I understand your concerns," Longwen reassured her. "But this is a work opportunity. It is a chance I want for you to expand your network. There will be businessmen there who may be interested in your architectural talent."

"But what would you gain from this? You are supposed to be marketing your company too, right?" She asked.

"Right. But you have forgotten you are now an architect in my company. It's the same thing. These businessmen will seek my company for architectural professionalism, which will lead them to you. I will be the passage they would use to get to you and Yang Architectural Firm will be known as well," Longwen took the time to explain.

"It's just like a win-win situation," Mei Xing murmured.

"It is a win-win deal. So what do you think?"

After a moment's thought, Mei Xing agreed, "Alright, for the sake of work and networking, I'll go."

"Fantastic! I'll send you the details," Longwen said, sounding pleased.

"Okay. Thank you for all you do, senior. I really do appreciate it," she reminded him.

"I know, Mei. I know."

Mei Xing sighed as she placed her phone on the table.

"What's the matter?" Yi Chuhua asked.

"Do you think I should be going to any public event? Like a charity event?" Mei Xing inquired, worry still etched at the backing of her mind.

Yi Chuhua shrugged. "I don't see why you should not go. It's your call."

"What if Feng Houyi is there? Or worse, my mother? What if I end up causing a scene?"

Yi Chuhua placed her hand on Mei Xing's on the table. "Look. I know your fears. I know you just want to low-key live your life. But it doesn't mean you should be tied down by your past relationships. Who cares if any of them are at the event? Who cares what people will say? Even if you do, you can't let it dictate your life. Use whatever opportunity you get to forge ahead."

Mei Xing nodded. "Alright. It's hard but I'll try. I've already given my word after all."

"So who are you going with to this event?" Yi Chuhua sat back and continued eating.


Yi Chuhua paused and smiled. Mei Xing squinted her eyes. "What?" She questioned.

"Nothing," Yi Chuhua slightly shook her head. "Your food is getting cold. Eat up."


The evening rolled in and Mei Xing got ready for dinner with Lu Aotian. He had sent her the location and time as planned.

Mei Xing stood before the mirror, her reflection casting an assessing eye over her attire for the evening.

She had opted for a sleek peach-coloured dress that hugged her curves elegantly and fell on her knees. She paired it with silver dangling petal earrings, a necklace and a bracelet watch.

Her hair cascaded down her shoulders in loose waves, framing her delicate features with a touch of effortless glamour.

With a final adjustment to the strap of her heels, Mei Xing deemed herself ready for the dinner meeting with Lu Aotian.

As she stepped out of her apartment, she boarded her waiting cab with anticipation fluttering in her chest, mingling with a hint of nerves at the expectations of the evening ahead.

Arriving at the restaurant, Mei Xing was greeted by a smiling young waiter.

"Good evening, Miss. Welcome to Baiwei Restaurant. Do you have a reservation or would you like to have a table?" He said with practised ease.

"Returning his smile, Mei Xing replied, "I'm here to have dinner under the reservation made by Mr Lu please."

The waiter nodded and held out his free hand. "This way please."

On getting to the booth, Lu Aotian was already there. His eyes lifted from his phone to the door where she stood. A small smile played on his lips as he stood to greet her.

"Welcome, Mei Xing. I'm glad you could make it," he said.

"Of course." She returned the gesture with a polite nod, feeling a surge of curiosity about the purpose of their meeting.

"You look stunning as always," Lu Aotian complimented, pulling out a chair for her with ease.

"Thank you, Mr Lu," she replied, a faint blush covering the apple of her cheeks as she took her seat opposite him.

Their conversation flowed easily as they browsed through the menu, exchanging topics of their days throughout the week.

Soon enough, the aroma of sizzling stir-fries and fragrant spices wafted into their space as the waiter rolled in their order.

Once their food and wine had been placed and the waiter had retreated, Lu Aotian leaned forward, his expression serious yet earnest.

"Mei Xing, there's something I wanted to discuss with you."

Mei Xing raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Yes, Mr Lu? What is it?"

"First of all, can you drop the 'Mr Lu', please? It's too formal for this meeting and I feel old when you call me that," he said with a slight wince.

Mei Xing nodded. "Alright, Lu Aotian. What do you have to tell me?"

"There's an upcoming charity event, and I was wondering if you would do me the honour of accompanying me as my date," he proposed, his gaze steady as he awaited her response.

Mei Xing's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected request. She had not anticipated such a proposition, especially from someone she considered a client.

However, she knew she had to be honest with him.

"Lu Aotian, I appreciate the invitation, but I'm afraid I already have plans for that evening," she replied gently, hoping he would understand.

A flicker of disappointment crossed Lu Aotian's features, but he quickly masked it with a harmless smile. "Of course, I understand. Perhaps another time."

Their conversation then resumed, although Mei Xing could swear that there was still the feeling of tension lingering between them.

Despite their best efforts to maintain a casual demeanour, the atmosphere frizzled out with unresolved emotions.

As they finished their meal, Mei Xing opted to pay but Lu Aotian already did.

"I was the one who invited you out," he said with reason. "Let me walk you out and help you flag down a cab."