Caught in The Act


After her call with Yang Longwen, Mei Xing could not find it in her to focus on the work placed on her desk. Her thoughts kept drifting to the contents of the documents.

What has Feng Houyi been into? How dirty are his hands?

After minutes of fruitless pondering, Mei Xing decided it was best to tackle her work and then head home to relax.

Hours later, Mei Xing dragged herself into the house, her shoulders slumped with exhaustion. She kicked off her heels and shed her coat before stepping inside.

Her footsteps faltered as she noticed movement in the kitchen. Mei Xing's eyes widened at the sight of Yi Chuhua backed into a corner by a tall, well-built man, engaged in a passionate kiss.

Clearing her throat to announce her presence, Mei Xing interrupted them. "Ahem!"

Startled, the couple jumped apart. Yi Chuhua's cheeks flushed crimson at being caught in the act.