Date: I'm All For It


The crisp morning air nipped at Yi Chuhua's cheeks as she stepped out of the subway station. A familiar figure, Jia Yuchen, stood leaning against a nearby lamppost, a warm smile lighting up his face as he spotted her.

He was dressed casually in a button down T-shirt and black jeans, a stark contrast to the tailored suits he usually donned. Yi Chuhua couldn't help but find him incredibly endearing.

"Sorry I'm a bit late," Yi Chuhua apologized, rushing towards him. "The train was packed."

Jia Yuchen chuckled, taking her hand in his. "No worries, love. Traffic was surprisingly good for a change. Today's all about enjoying ourselves, remember?"

Their last two weeks had been a whirlwind of deadlines requiring late-night work. The stolen moments of video chat or messages here and there, couldn't fill the void of physical presence.

So they had planned to carve out an entire day to spend with each other. Today was that day.