

Moments later, Lu Aotian pulled his car to a stop in front of Yi Chuhua's apartment building. An air of hesitance hung between them as they stepped out, neither wanting the night to end.

"Thank you," Mei Xing said, her voice laced with a hint of shyness as she tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "I had a truly wonderful time."

"Me too," Lu Aotian replied, his voice sincere.

Silence settled between them, thick with unspoken emotions. Finally, Mei Xing mumbled, "So, good night," a note of disappointment evident in her voice.

"Yeah, good night," he echoed, his gaze lingering on her a moment too long. "Let me walk you to your door, just to make sure you get in safely."

Nodding in agreement, Mei Xing followed him, her steps heavy with the weight of the approaching goodbye. As they reached the door, she hesitated, then turned to face him.