Get Together: Game


The afternoon sun was rather warm to the skin, the sky bright and clear. The Luo mansion bustled with activity for the get together hosted by Mr and Mrs Luo for their family.

The set up a table under the shade of a cherry tree. The area was quite big and spread with lush green grass and flowers adding to the beautiful ambiance.

One by one, the children of Mr and Mrs Luo arrived at the mansion with their spouses, and children as well as gifts.

Mrs Luo beamed with joy as she welcomed them, the corners of her eyes wrinkling at bot from her age.

She was especially eager to see her grandchildren, Tang Zixin and Luo Huan.

"Thank you for having us, ma'am," Tang Jietang appreciated with a bow.

Mrs Luo waved a dismissive hand at him. "Oh don't mention it. And stop being too courteous. I should be the one thanking you for taking time out of your busy schedule to be here. Come on let's join the others," she ushered.