PROLOUGE 1: The Cherry Blossom and The Rose.

The sound of a Japanese school bell would ring.

"Hey Hiro, do you wanna go do some karaoke after we leave?" A boy with short blonde hair asked. A boy with messy black hair would be putting his books in his bag.

"Nah, President told me I have to print some things for the meeting tomorrow, sorry." The boy said. His two friends nodded, walking out of the classroom,

"See'ya Hiro!" They said. Hiro nodded, pulling out his phone.

'Alright... What did he need me to print...?' Hiro thought to himself. He looked at his texts from the student president. He walked out of the classroom with his bag over his shoulder. He walked into the teacher's lounge, toward the printer. He whistled, seeing a piece of paper come out of the printer. 

Suddenly, a bright pink shine came from the windows.

"Gah!-" He covered his eyes, trying not to go blind. Suddenly, the light dimmed and completely vanished. He uncovered his eyes, seeing the papers fully printed. He shook his head, grabbed the papers, and left the room.

'Probably some senior prank…' Hiro said. He walked down the hall hearing a loud clanking from above. He raised a brow,

'What the hell..?' He internalized. He walked up the stairs seeing the room for the student council open. He entered the room, placing the stack of papers on the table. He looked around the room, seeing absolutely nothing. He shrugged,

"Weird." He walked over to the filing cabinet and opened the door. 

Suddenly, a person lunged out of the cabinet, pinning Hiro to the ground. Hiro opened his eyes, seeing a girl in a bright pink ballgown that matched her hair color.

"QUIS ES!?" She shouted. She held two sheathed katana's to his throat. Hiro raised a brow,

"What..?" He said. She gritted her teeth,

"Quis es!" She shouted once again. Hiro looked to his left, pointing. She looked over, squinting her eyes. Hiro pushed her, running out of the student council room. He ran down the stairs running out of the school when he saw a large winged creature. 

Hiro's eyes widened in shock,

"W-What the hell is that..." Hiro said. A few seconds later, the girl ran out, looking at the monster in shock. Hiro then grabbed the Katanas in the girl's hand. He pulled them, but she wouldn't let go.

"Minime! Non dimittam te!!" She shouted. Hiro sighed,

"Do you want to die!?" Hiro asked. She looked at him, hugging both Katanas.

"Daemonium Ferrum!!" She shouted. Suddenly, the monster extended its sharp claws. The monster wound its arm back, preparing to strike. Hiro then jumped in front of the girl. The monster then stabbed the boy in the stomach, killing him. 

In his final moments, he remembered something his dying grandfather had said to him.

"Hey... Hiro..." The old man said. Hiro looked at the old man,

"What is it, old man?" Hiro asked. The old man turned away from the boy,

"Don't turn out like me..." The old man said. Hiro raised a brow,

"What do you mean?" He asked, eating a cup of instant ramen. The old man sighed,

"Don't live alone..." The old man said. Hiro looked more confused,

"I don't follow..." Hiro said. The old man looked angry,

"Find someone you want to protect... With your life..." His grandfather said. 

"Now, get out of here... I wanna sleep and not hear you eating that fake shit." The old man said. Hiro sighed, nodding.

"Alright... See you tomorrow, old man..." Hiro said, walking out of the hospital room. Back in the present, the monster would pull its finger out of Hiro's stomach. Hiro's corpse fell onto the ground, blood spilling out of the hole in his stomach.

"NO NON TE!" The girl shouted. She breathed heavily, looking down at the boy's dead body. She looked at the Katana in her arms. Her body shook as there was a dead body that lay in front of her and a monster that was about to kill her. 

In a moment of desperation, she placed the handles of both katanas in a dead Hiro's hands. She unsheathed the blades, revealing dark black blades with red triangles on the edge. A heartbeat was then heard that brought fear into both the girl and the monster. Just them, Hiro's shirt had burned to ash. Hiro's eyes widened, but this time they weren't their dark grey like usual. His eyes were a dark red, and he had this mischievous grin.

"Finally, after so many years... I'm finally awake... Damn, those samurai..." Said a deeper voice inhabiting Hiro's body. The monster's eyes widened, glaring at Hiro. It then slashed its claws toward him. Hiro inhaled, pointing one of his blades at the Monster.

The fingers of the monster then fell clean off with no blood shooting out. The monster then screamed in pain. Suddenly, Hiro appeared in the air behind the monster. The monster looked back in shock seeing Hiro. Hiro then slashed its eyes, blinding it. Hiro then cut off it's head, killing it. Hiro sighed, landing on the ground. He whipped both Katana's, removing the blood. He looked at the blades, grinning deviously.

"It is time for me to start... My holy revival..." He said. He started laughing menacingly.

"Hey- Who are you??" Hiro said in his normal voice. One of Hiro's eyes turned back to its normal grey while the other remained dark red.

"Who am I? Who are you?" The deeper voice said. His eyebrow raised,

"Excuse me, you're in my body, and it's supposed to be under my control!" Hiro said. The girl looked at them heavily confused. 

"I'm taking my body back now!" Hiro said. The red eye looked angry, "Wait! Brat!" The deeper voice said. His red eye shut, opening once again to be grey. Hiro sighed, walking over to the Katana sheathes.

"Man, what the hell was that..." He said. He picked them up, sheathing the swords. He tied the swords to his waist, walking over to the girl. He had noticed that he was shirtless. She looked at Hiro in bewilderment. Hiro put his hand out,

"Come on, let's go home!" Hiro said. Hiro grinned, as she put her hand on his. The two then walked down the street while the sun set. He looked at her smiling,

"My name is Hiroyuki Shiroma!" Hiro said. The girl looked at him surprised.

"H... H... Hi... Ro..?" She said. Hiro nodded, smiling.

"Yup!" Hiro said. She looked in his eyes, seeing his pure heart and intent. She smiled, laughing.