
Finishing my walk around the forest I'd picked up a ton of these Crystals, I had no idea what it was and I wanted to figure it out from people of this world, not from someone who knew what seems to be absolutely everything, hell they might even know my past.

Walking right through most of the dense and swampy forest into what seemed to be cut in half by a ocean with some sort of island with a tower on the center, it looked peculiar but I didn't mind it and would've jumped into the ocean had it not been for the boiling of water occurring

"Well that wasn't something I expect-"

The sudden burst of Lava exploding out from the water as what seemed to be a creature made completely of Lava, not only that but would a sudden alarm also go off which almost made me go deaf from how fucking loud it was. The creature was made of some sort of material which was either perpetually looking like it was molten rock and partially the black stuff that Lava becomes when it becomes cold or something or is around it, I don't really know.


Blood splattered from the area the masculine voice was at, the tower would fall as the lava creature or so I think is a lava creature that destroyed it. Though I couldn't hold the feeling that there was something that was going to happened, and with that I saw a very tall person, for a second I though they'd be a guy but looking at the armor and also how it's shaped it's definitely a lady, Now that I think about it why the fuck are there so many girls, like I know these worlds have life on them with possibly billions of people on each planet but I've met like maybe eight to nine guys out of the somewhat twenty girls which I've talked too.

"[Rias Huaru]"

Two words which didn't combine, while maybe it could be a person's name I doubted such a thing because why would they say it to something which didn't even react to the name, The sudden movement of the ground, no not movement it was the very changing of the world I was standing on as the being which were in Armor held out a blade, one which was large, it was bigger than me and it looked sharp though impractical, but even then would it be easy for the Knight to lift for they had swung it only once and thus would the Magma being suddenly stop in place as they were trapped within what seemed to be a dome of pure light. in which the slash would cut in half along with the Magma golem which didn't seem to be able to regenerate, even if it was a slash made of Anti Magic I would think a creature like that had natural regeneration.

["Correct, Magma Hounds are creatures with Capabilities of Healing without Mana completely, It is just that the Knight which had done the slash removed any supernatural Phenomenon from occurring which means they are able to stop our communication if they so desired. That's if they could see our connection."]


"What might you be doing here? You don't seem to be in this world."

The Knight which was momentarily a good distance away had already reached me and was standing right in front of me, it felt weird to not be able to react to them. The armor to say the very least was creepy, an emotionless being or so it seemed, they didn't move at all while I was staring at them, as if they wanted me to look away. Considering I had no reason to continue looking my head would turn away as the being had suddenly left, for one reason or another I couldn't hide the fact I felt fear from their body, not as in the fact they felt fear, but the fact I was feeling fearful of them, my body was shaking up until the point I looked away, it was near impossible to continue staring upon a person like them, but for the same reason I doubt someone else could continue even staring at them for as long as I could.

"What are you still doing here young lady?"

The voice of what seemed to be a raspy individual, a calm yet disorienting voice to listen and hear. I would look towards the cliff nearby, Crouching the knight was there, she was speaking to me, her hand holding the weapon while awaiting my answer. I didn't have an idea on what to say right now.

"I have nowhere else to go, I wander endlessly."

For a minute, the place became silent, all sound within the area was completely erased, my ears not even ringing from the silence, For I had no thoughts for the first time without the changes made within my body, it felt calm and eerily peaceful, I had no idea what to do, the moment I stood here felt like a eternity, one which lasted longer than any life I had lived.

"Such as the case shall you come with me, You intrigue me, I've never met a being which had no purpose to travel and yet I cannot discern this as a lie."

Finally was the Silence broken and had I followed the lady in the armor, I knew to not trust those who I did not know, and those who did not look the part to trust, and yet there was no reason not to trust such, for if they wanted to harm me they could've they were stronger than me and yet at the same time their physical form one which was covered by the armor looked limpy, it was as if they were perpetually left injured and yet no blood came from their body. Even though those who were of my past which are considered my parents told not to listen to strangers and to never trust those who are creepy looking I would not follow such, but it doesn't mean every person who doesn't look human or normal to this world is evil or a monster, My journey was of something I choose and yet I had not gotten what I want to reach at the end, All I do know is I wish to prove that I am not a being of no worth, I want to do something which helps others but that is not something I get to decide, after all I could help someone in a manner in which others may think is not such.

"Are you alright? You seem to be lost in thought."

"...I'm fine, I'm just thinking about what to do."

I don't usually open up like this to people, but this lady seems trustworthy. Following the footsteps would I finally reach where the lady was taking me, it seemed as if it were a giant kingdom, not so advanced and yet at the same time more advanced then my world in the sense of how people were being treated. And to think it was in a world where people were considered monsters.

"I'm not taking you to my home considering that would be rude, It would also seem like I'm kidnapping you. Thinking about it though, you weren't the brightest because you followed me all the way through this forest just to see where I was taking you."

Blood, she was coughing and I could smell blood from her as she did so, not from anything else but blood from her helmet, speaking seemed to be a burdensome task to her so I didn't ask anymore questions, I followed them through the entrance area or at least close to it, I didn't wanna get into specifics. Though the place looked beautiful from its scenery I couldn't be sure of something's interior looking good just because of its exterior... Though I shouldn't get ahead of myself and stop trusting everyone. It's just an issue with my trust at this point.

Chatting from the people who were living here while they were walking by, children were playing it felt normal, the same as humans at yet at the same time they weren't, and probably had no knowledge of us. Of course there were some oddities such as Arenas with people fighting and that it was still a monarchy considering there were none left in my world.

Going off course I walked to an arena watching two people fight, While I was doing so the Armored lady walked up looking at me as I could feel that she was annoyed I would leave her sight for this.

"Ah- I'm sorry I just like watching fights."

"That's fine, Just tell me the next time you do it."

Her tone of voice was different but nothing which would alert me, I didn't think she'd be the type to get so angry over something like me doing this though I couldn't really be sure. I would've continued watching them fight, Considering the lady knight next to me was basically my guide I should get her name.

"What's your name?"

"...Call me Vera, I've never had someone ask for my name before."

"Well I only wanna know it because you're the one guiding me through this place which i'm foreign to. I also wanna ask if I can join this arena, It looks really fun."

"I see, Well yes you can join I recommend not unless you wish to kill your opponent or deal with a noble getting mad at you for going against them even though it's a battle arena."

People would turn towards the Knight with them looking angrily but not attacking as if they were not supposed to. I could already tell with their fancy clothes and their jewelry. I began walking over to the Arena entrance as I looked at the rules.

[Once someone is defeated they will either be killed or kicked off the Arena, The winner will go until they lose or if they withdraw, Do not cheat at all during the battle, those who do will be executed.]

{"Sounds Fair enough."}

I was still watching as another person got defeated while in line, I didn't really need to tip toe considering my height and that people here were shorter compared to the world I teleported here from. It took a solid twenty five minutes for me to be able to get into battle in which I was extremely annoyed due to how long it took for them to fight. Once I stepped up to the Arena I looked at the person ahead of me, someone who didn't lose even while I was watching and before I was in the line, at least from what I've heard, he's been there since the start.

"Another woman who thinks they're powerful... Just go back and make me food instead."

His attitude made me dislike him already. He spoke of me as if I was someone to make things for him and do as told, Though I didn't really find him to be that strong I couldn't judge someone by how they look. I noticed Vera was still watching me but seemed unbothered by his words.

"So? Are you not gonna leave or do I have to make you-"

"Holy shit could you get to fucking fighting? I've been waiting for half an hour just to fight and I only hear you talk and talk."

His face turned sour, he went into a stance and went in for an attack without even checking for my weaknesses, I didn't have much to think about now other than his strength which reached the same strength as me along with speed excluding the use of magic.

"Looks like you just used your strength to win, that's underwhelming."

I would've twisted my body to the left and leaned that direction while also pushing myself off the ground to move away from him...