Reunion Party

"Nanny Yun, where is William? " asked Linda, as she was coming downstairs..

"Young mistress, actually young master went outside for a bit, he will come in few minutes, he asked you to have your breakfast. " said Nanny Yun, busy serving for Linda.

"oh I see"

Linda's phone buzzed, she opened to check ... she saw her old college mates added her in a group chat called Reunion', all the first year students of college where invited..

" what... reunion?! tomorTOW..."

As Linda was busy on her phone she saw William's car outside, she quickly kept the phone and started eating...

Um... you went somewhere?" asked Linda.

"does it matters to you."

"oh yes... I have no rights to ask you, sorry.

William went upstairs and Linda thought "/ was thinking that shall I ask his permission for tomorrows reunion party seems like he doesnt care about anything.. whatever we are contracted cOuples..."

[ that evening ]

Linda took the thermometer from her bag and checked her temperature... it was normal.

"Well | should ask Sylvia about this once.. " Linda took her phone and called Sylvia.. "Sylvia .. about tomorrow reunion... "

"oh Linda. I missed you so much today.. are you alright now. how is your fever now?"

"hmmm... it's Normal now... wait... how you know that I had fever.. "

"umm... our heart - heart bond connection is so strong that I know... everything.

"huh.. ok leave about tomorrow reunion party. are you going.

"oh yes.. I heard they.. will take come with their partners... my boyfriend agreed to come with me tomorrow."

"oh... I see.. I have to go alone.

"why? ask William to go with you."

" are you kidding? how can he have time for such stupid things, leave Ill go alone... ok then meet you tomorrow..

"sure. bye sweetheart."

Linda.. threw her body on the bed and started thinking... if William could go with him..

[ Next evening ]

" hmm... it was this resort.. blue diamond hotel.. " said Linda, standing in front of hotel... "I guess they have booked that part... I should go here maybe, " Linda went inside, she was wearing a pink dress with high neck, sleeveless and backless... and a pair of heels.. she straightened her hair and did a high ponytail...


"hi... Mia.. you have changed.. so much. "

"hey see isn't that Linda. "

"Linda come here, " called out some of her old mates.

"wow gal you looked pretty, I almost couldn't recognize you!!" said her mate.

"hey isn't that studious monster!! " called out a guy... named Victor..

" ahh you are.." asked Linda.

" Linda... he is Victor.. he used to sit behind you.. you forgot?" said Sylvia.

"'oh Victor!!! l couldn't recognize you... you changed so much... my God. " said Linda.

"look look... the class president. " said Sylvia, pointing at a fat guy.

"what?! he is Julian! Jesus I could not have recognized him... before you said to me... he was so handsome back then.. but now. "

" oh Linda... my old friend... will you not greet me. " said woman, holding a drink in her hand..