Family warmness

' Linda come here.. let me have a look at my child. " said grandma.

" ok grandma. " said Linda and sat beside grandma.

" oh!! so any plans for my great grand children." asked grandma.

" cough. cough.. " William was choked while drinking


Linda lowered her head and did not say anything.. she was absolutely blushing a lot.

'grandma!!! we have come. " called out a lady from the door outside.

" my grandchild how are you?" said grandma.

Linda first didn't notice then she realized it was Mr and Mrs White.. with Steve.

" what?! " Linda was surprised..

" actually, she is my sister.. Merlin White. " said William.

" Doctor Linda what a surprise?! " Merlin was surprised as well.

" didn't William tell you that Linda is his wife. " said grandpa.

" what?! really ?! "

" yes sister... brother didn't tell to anyone about this. " said Darwin. "you unfilial brat when will you learn to inform !" shouted Merlin at William's ear and pulled his ea.

" ahh l'm sorry l'm sorry." William apologized.

" ok fine fine.. now we understand everything... now let's go to eat." said grandpa.

" ok." said everyone in unison.

They all sat on the dining chairs.. everything seems so family like and warming to Linda since her biological parents died, she forgot how it feels to eat with a family.. she felt very heartwarming..

"Linda eat more.. if you will be thinny.. it cannot be good for your health.. you know what I meant. " said grandma and she was serving Linda...

" grandma will you stop!" said William he was embarrassed.

" shut up I don't know how you treat my granddaughter-in law, at least let me treat her well. " said grandma.

" oh grandpa do you know that the Doctor I was speaking about... who cured Steve.. was actually Linda. " said Merlin.

" what really?! " said grandpa.

" we are so blessed to get such a girl. " said the grandparents.

" Doctor Linda is such a amazing doctor.. even I almost lost hope for my son." said Andrew White a. k. a Mr White.M

" my sis-in-law is the best." said Darwin. Linda smiled as everyone liked her and adored her.. she became everyone's favorite.. William smiled as well.

after the lunch they all went to their respective room.

"ah... I ate so much, my stomach is going to burst." said Linda and lied on the bed... when William came inside. "YOU!!!" Linda was shocked.

"we are acting right so we need to sleep in the same room. " said William

"it's ok same room!! not same bed right!" said Linda.

" yes... but I'm not sure if they come and check then I don't know."

"what ?! they can come to check. " said Linda.'well we will see about it later.. so you sleep on the couch and I will sleep on the bed. "

"'it is my room... I will sleep on the bed and you can sleep on the couch.. I won't mind sharing the same bed. " said William and lied on the bed.