Conflicts on second day

The first day ended...

[ Next day ]

Linda again went to her cardiology department.. the students greeted her..

"Ok so today we will learn more detailing about CPR.. " said Linda, " do you know why is it important."

"yes doctor , it is used so that the patients.. may get enough oxygen to pass through his/her respiratory passage... it is like a immediate first aid to a unconscious person.. who has problem in breathing.. " said a student.

"good.. do you know how many people's life you can save by this. "

"umm... more than 2000 . " said another.

"yes.. in fact you can save... more than 20000.. even if___" as Linda was going to explain she collapsed and fell down.. all the students were panicked.. they carried her to the nurse room...

As Linda woke up.. she saw that a doctor was sitting beside her..

"Doctor Linda, you woke up! "

" what happened to me Doctor. " asked Linda.

" your body is weak.. because of hypoglycemia.. you need enough rest.. "

"but the students. " " oh... the students were the one worried to death.. they were waiting outside.. until you open your eyes... ok let me inform them. " said the doctor.

" hmm.. " Linda was too tired that she did not realize.. that her body is unable to stabilize.

"Linda!! are you alright ? how did you collapsed, wait let me call William " said Sylvia, as she entered in a hurried manner.

" no no don't disturb him, he will be annoyed.. "

"what?! "

"I mean he will be worried. "

"but still.. I think you should inform him..."

"Sylvia.. I'm hungry. "said Linda, trying to change the topic.

" ok I'm bringing meat porridge for you. " said Sylvia and left.

Linda was alone in the room and was thinking many thinks..when someone entered her room.

"Sylvia you came so fas__" as Linda turned to other side she saw and became surprised.

"Linda.. how are you? " asked Allen.

"shut up and go. " said Linda and turned other side.

"Linda don't ignore me like this.. I really did not wanted to leave you... but back then the situation made me like this.. please I still love you the same." said Allen, holding Linda's hand. " do you know.. back then.. I've sacrificed so much for you!! that I even did refused the offer to study overseas!!! was it not out of love for you. " shouted Linda at Allen.

"Linda I'm really sorry.. but I had some family problems and it was Alexa's family.. who helped us back then.. so to repay the debt .. we had a engagement.. we did not get married.. trust me... this heart still belongs for you and beats for you. " said Allen.. coming nearer to Linda.. to kiss her lips...

When Alexa suddenly approached and slapped Linda's face . Linda was shocked and as well as angry too.. she did not speak anything..

" Linda!!... " shouted Sylvia from behind, "how dare you hit Linda.. you vixen!!!! "

" don't you know she was trying to seduce my husband ,she deserves that!!!" said Alexa.

" Amazing!!! " said Linda and clapping her hands and giving smirks.