Apple of vitality

Miles entered the grave keeper's lounge and immediately spotted two humanoid monsters—one with blade-like arms and another with a dark void hovering above its head. Their levels, 30 and 40 respectively, appeared above them. Without hesitation, Miles dispatched them swiftly, using his nail cannons to eliminate the threats.

From the creature with the dark void, a blue light emerged. No white light or other light appeared from them.

[Fireball skill]

Miles hesitated momentarily, pondering the consequences of potentially learning a new skill. With caution, he encapsulated the blue light within a telekinetic sphere, making it safe to handle. He pocketed the sphere, which was a little smaller than a ping pong ball.

He noticed an unexpected door in the lounge, which, although he hadn't explored before, he knew shouldn't be there. As he approached the door, information about it appeared:

[Low level dungeon]

Curiosity piqued, he cautiously opened the door just a crack, revealing a jungle bathed in daylight. His eyes fell upon a massive snake, three feet in width and fifty feet long, with a tier 1 designation above its head.

Although Miles was unawre, the nail canon had the force of an armour piercing sniper.

Without hesitation, Miles aimed a nail cannon at the snake and fired, resulting in a resounding boom. The snake's life was swiftly extinguished. However, before he could retrieve the white light it dropped, he heard a multitude of hissing sounds. At a glance, six more colossal snakes approached the door.

With a quick decision, Miles shut the door to prevent the snakes from entering. He pondered his next move and decided to step outside for a moment.

Gazing at the sky, he created a colossal ball of telekinetic energy, initially the size of a building. Gradually, he compressed it until it was no larger than a grain of rice.

The smaller it got, the more energy was needed to squeeze it. Miles could gather this energy infinitely from the surroundings.

Returning to the door, Miles opened it slightly and carefully sent the minuscule compressed air ball through.

Miles shut the door and let it explode. On the other side, he felt no shockwaves, but when he fully opened the door, he was met with a gruesome sight. Snake parts were scattered everywhere, and the entire area was drenched in blood, with white lights floating about like loot. Using his telekinesis, Miles collected these white lights.

In total, he amassed 550 attribute points. It became apparent that when a tier 0 killed a tier 1 creature, they gained 50 attribute points.

Miles wasted no time and immediately upgraded all his stats to 99. However, he refrained from evolving to tier 1, as he wouldn't gain the same 50 attribute points for killing tier 1 creatures as a tier 1 himself.

More snakes were drawn by the commotion, and approximately 20 of them gathered near the door. Miles decided to create three more super-compressed air bubbles.

He cautiously opened the door just a crack, but a snake waited on the other side and spat venom as soon as he showed his face.

Quickly closing it, Miles retreated from the door, and he formed a telekinetic barrier. It wasn't strong enough to stop the creatures but adequate to thwart the poisonous gas. Using his telekinesis, he opened the door while keeping the gap too small for the snakes to fit through.

Facing the menacing stares of the snakes, Miles felt a shiver run down his spine as his heart rate increased. Nervously, yet with a hint of excitement, he sent the three negligible bubbles through the gaps he spotted and closed the door. The bubbles exploded, resulting in a bloody mess on the other side.

Miles lamented a bit that he had already reached the maximum level. Using his telekinesis, he retrieved the white lights and absorbed them in droves. To his surprise, multiple system prompts appeared:

[Max attribute points]

[Max attribute points]


[Max attribute points]

Confused, Miles stopped absorbing the lights and checked his status

[Scale: Tier 0

Level: 99

Strength: 99

Speed: 99

Constitution: 99

Vitality: 99

Mana: 99

Attribute points: 999(max)]

He absorbed one more white light, but his interface remained unchanged. Frustrated, he enclosed the remaining four white lights in telekinetic energy and stored them in his pockets.

Any excess attribute points would be wasted if absorbed once a person reaches the maximum limit.

He had to occasionally strengthen the telekinetic marbles he had created. If not the telekinetic energy around them would leak completely causing them to fade, it didn't cost him any energy but required consistent refreshing.

If he strengthened it for 3 seconds it would last a little bit more than a minute, so he strengthened it for 30 seconds every 10 minutes.

"Now then," Miles focus squarely on the other lights before him. Carefully and methodically, he absorbed all the orange lights, which granted skill points. He made sure not to hit any limits, and while there were numerous, they were fewer in number compared to the white lights.

Miles picked up five red lights which were weapons of the same kind.

[Tier 1 spear]

He enclosed the red lights in telekinetic energy. The final light he spotted was a blue light, as he approached it information popped up.

[Thermal perception skill]

He touched it and the skill got absorbed into his body.

[Skill: thermal perception

Consumes 0.1 Mana per second.

creates an image by using infrared radiation emitted from objects in the surroundings. ]

Miles activated the thermal perception, he couldn't see much because of the light and heat around but saw a unique heat source in the distance.

There was no sun in this space, but the sky was bright and warm.

As he moved towards the unique heat source, he noticed the vast forest was empty.

"I must have killed off all the inhabitants. Then what is that creature." Miles spoke to himself.

He eventually reached a mountain, a huge snake three times as large as the others coiled itself around this mountain.

It's head on the other side. Miles carefully went through the forest and he saw the snake's head.

It seemed to be protecting some vine growing from the mountain.

[Tier 2]

Miles decided to strike while the snake was distracted. He formed the most massive telekinetic ball he had conceived thus far.

It took him 10 minutes to shrink it to the size of a ping-pong ball, he sent the ball towards the snake.

The ball could clearly be seen as much air was compressed inside, it approached the snake from behind.

It flew on top of the snakes head and exploded with the force of a mini nuke, clearly an overkill.

The mountain shattered into pieces going each and every way, Miles noticed a golden object fly into the forest below.

He went towards the direction and saw a golden apple.

[Apple of vitality (Tier 2, unripe)

A tier 3 fruit that greatly enhances vitality. Takes 200 years to completely mature.]

"Is this what the snake was guarding?" Miles picked up the golden apple. He sniffed it, and it smelled really good, just like a normal apple but very fresh.

He took a bite, and as he chewed, an indescribable sensation washed over him. It felt like his pores were opening up, rejuvenating him in ways he couldn't fathom.

[Gained vitality +500]

Miles "..."

[Scale: Tier 0

Level: 99

Strength: 99

Speed: 99

Constitution: 99

Vitality: 599

Mana: 99

Attribute points: 999(max)]

Miles looked at the four golden seeds in his palm.

[Seed of apple of vitality.

Mature time: 200 years]

Miles removed his shoe, placed the seeds in his socks, and then he wore the shoe.

He went to look for the body of the Tier 2 snake, he found it and three distinct lights.

A red light, a blue light and a white light.

He touched the red light, a spear formed in his arm, it looked like a normal spear save for its grade.

[Tier 2]

He stored the white light in a telekinetic marble and pocket it, as he approached the blue light, information about the skill it housed popped up.

[Parallel thinking]

"That sounds good" Miles quickly picked up the blue light. He instantly had a sort of second voice in his head, it was still him, but yet it wasn't.

'Concentrate telekinetic energy on a spot.' Miles ordered this conscious subconscious. It immediately began to condense telekinetic energy in a single spot, Miles noticed something odd.

After about a minute, the telekinetic energy began to expand. Miles looked at the empty space in front of him.

Nothing was seen, but with his telekinesis, he could access some sort of inner space maintained by this telekinetic energy.

As soon as the supply of energy ceased, the energy leaked as though from a balloon. He created this telekinetic pocket in a rock. It seemed to have no effect on it.

When he created it in the air, he had to go to the spot to access the telekinetic pocket. When it was in the rock, the pocket space would move with the rock.

"High risk, high reward." Miles gritted his teeth and created a telekinetic space on his finger. His parallel mind continued the supply of energy while Miles looked for a place to rest.

"I need to go find my family and my little brother." He said and went to sleep surrounded by a pile of rubble.


When Miles woke up, the light in this pocket dimension was as bright as ever. He checked on the pocket space attached to his left pinky.


When he looked at his hands through normal means, it seemed fine, but with his telekinesis, he could access a huge amount of space inside. It was bigger than a football stadium and was still expanding.

He looked at all snakes around and a thought came to mind. Miles created a new pocket space, he tried putting a rock inside but it didn't work. He surrounded the rock with telekinetic energy and right before his eyes the rock faded away as it moved foward.

Only Miles could observe as the rock moved in the pocket space. He ceased the flow of energy to the pocket space and it leaked telekinetic energy rapidly. In a couple of seconds, the pocket space ejected its components and faded from existence.

Miles put all the snakes in this pocket space. With his parallel mind focused on expanding the space, he didn't have to worry about it collapsing.