Type of Horses and The Blueprint Reward

As soon as he accepted the rewards, he screamed and bent over in agony as an excruciating pain overwhelmed him. The pain was unlike he had ever endured, and it kept getting worse; with every second that passed, the pain increased. Veins throbbed on his head and neck, looking to burst open. 


He felt as if he would die any moment; the only reason he kept on pushing through was the thought of seeing his family again, to see his little siblings, his gentle and kind mother, and his stoic father. That is what kept him from losing to the pain. As he kept thinking about them, he reminded himself, 'I can't give up now! I want to see them! I will; they are still waiting for me. 


These are simple words, yet they have a great weight to them, a purpose for them. Thus, finally, after 10 min of what felt like bone-shattering pain, the feeling slowly faded, the pain lessened, and soon, with a sigh of relief, he passed out cold, exhausted.