Eldric's Idea for dealing with the Dire beast situations

The group thus scoured the rest of the tunnels vigilantly but to no avail. The beast had not shown itself again. Frustrated with their lack of success, Solen had no choice but to turn around and leave the mines.

But unbeknownst to them, a pair of yellow eyes followed them from a distance all the way to the entrance of the tunnel before rapidly disappearing into the darkness.

By the time they reached the house, the sun had already dipped behind the ridgeline, a velvet canvas spread across the sky. Solen had just dismissed the two knights when Eldric came walking down the steps onto the pebble pathway.

"Patriarch!" Solen greeted with a salute. "I heard you and two Squires (Rank 2) went into the mines searching for the Dire Beast. Anything good to report?" Eldric asked