The map of kingdoms and the return to navaag

This map was not very detailed; it only had the borders of the kingdoms and a small bit of information to accompany them. He had asked Eamon to get it, which he did, and it was only recently delivered.

On the map were pieces of figurines, many trade lines, etc. All of them reached the regions of Verdonia in the East. Both the kingdoms of Stormwatch and Naloria are mapped here.

The basic information on the map was the overall structure and strength of the military. While he did not understand the inner workings, he had made sure to at least know what was going on…

After all, he needed to understand how he could return to his parents and visit them—in secret, of course, as he was still branded a traitor. But that did not slump him in the slightest. He was prepared to increase the Northern Star Commerce numbers as soon as everything settled and start to build branches over the various parts of the kingdoms, both Higkeep and Stormwatch.