[145] "Hawkeye is here?"

[Naval headquarters, Marineford].

Sengoku sat down after hanging up the Den den mushi and then looked at the many Navy executives in front of him.

Like Garp, Zephyr, Tsuru, Sakazuki and two other admirals!

"What do you think?"

Sengoku spoke lightly, and naturally, what he asked was Lin Wuya leaving the Sabaody Archipelago.

Although, after the Sabaody Archipelago incident, Lin Wuya didn't do anything in the Sabaody Archipelago!

But after all, his strength and background are there.

A person who can stand against three admirals at once, his own three admirals still can't obtain a great victory, and besides, there are many powerful and mighty disciples!

Such a person, even if he is an ordinary person and has no ambitions, Sengoku feels that he should pay attention to him.

Moreover, Lin Wuya is not an ordinary person.

First, CP9, the world government intelligence organization that arrested Nico Robin before Arabasta was injured, appeared again in the first half of Grand Line after half a year, killing 40,000 pirates in six hours.

This time he was even more terrifying. His disciple killed the Heavenly Dragons. As a master, he faced Sakazuki, Kizaru and Kuzan, and even defeated them all, and they fled back to the headquarters.

Therefore, they should pay more attention to him.

"What else can we look at, are we still waiting to send someone to arrest that old man again, Sengoku, don't forget, that old man's strength and background, if you move him, it's not just that old man alone that you'll be bothering."

"I'm afraid all his disciples will come out!"

Tsuru looked at Sengoku. After learning about this old man's background a few days ago, I was scared to death.

Why haven't I been able to calm down a bit in the past few days?

"I know, but I can't let the old man leave him alone! Anyway, we must know his movements!"

Sengoku sat there and turned to Tsuru.

Tsuru thought for a moment and felt that what Sengoku said was reasonable. Even though their Marine would no longer attack Lin Wuya, they still had to understand his movements.

After all, the other party's identity was special, and both the strength and background were outrageous!

"Then you can fix it! Let the various branches of the New World pay attention to the old man's movement and report to headquarters every time you find his trail!"


[Sabaody Archipelago]

In the office there is a large table full of good wine and food. All of them are prepared by Silke's staff.

Silke sat down at the table, picked up the wine and filled herself a glass.

"Damn, that old gentleman finally left!"

"Lao Tse has been terrified these days, but I have to eat and drink to make up for it!"

Thinking about how he was awake at night these days, Silk felt uneasy.

For the first time since he came to serve as Rear Admiral of the Sabaody Archipelago branch, he was being tortured like this by a pirate!

No, he's not a pirate yet!

He's an eighty-year-old man.

When he took the glass, Silk wanted to take a sip, but he had not yet brought it to his lips.

A sailor ran in and said in panic. "Rear-Admiral Silke, the important thing is no good!

Silke's surprised wine glasses smashed against her face and the wine spilled over her face.

Silke's face turned black at this point.

She simply sat down and didn't take a sip of wine, so why did she rush back inside?

She stood up and shouted at the sailor. "What is it this time?"

"He, he's coming!"

The sailor panicked.


Silk's face changed, and the first thing that came to his mind was the old man.

He looked at the sailor with a horrified expression and asked. "Could it be that the old man is back?".

The sailor shook his head in panic. "No, it's not that old man, it's the Seven Warlords of the Dracule Mihawk Sea, he's come to the Sabaody Archipelago!

"What, Dracule Mihawk, Hawkeye?!!!"

All the wine glasses in Silk's hands fell to the floor.

What's your situation?

I just fired that grand old man, why is Hawkeye Mihawk here again.

Although the government has identified Hawkeye Mihawk as a member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Silk is still very scared.

Because Hawkeye was also a pirate in the past, and also a very powerful pirate, and even the greatest swordsman in the world!

Silk can't be afraid?

He dismissed the strongest old man in the world, now he meets the greatest swordsman from another world!

Why is it so difficult for you, Rear Admiral, the Sabaody Archipelago branch?

"Hawkeye, where is he now?"

Silk asked the sailor with a feeling of ambition.

"The soldiers in the Sabaody Archipelago harbor found Hawkeye's trail at sea level three nautical miles away from the Sabaody Archipelago. He should be almost ashore by now!'

Replied the sailor.

"Are you going ashore soon?"

Silk's face changed, then he ran out of the office and led a group of people towards the coast of the Sabaody Archipelago.

Although he was very frightened, Silk thought, as a branch of the Rear Admiral, how could he cope?

Arriving at the harbor, Silk saw the aHawkeye slowly sailing the ghost ship, and his face immediately changed.

"Indeed, it is Mihawk, Hawkeye!

When Hawkeye's boat stopped on the shore, Silk asked. "Hawkeye, what are you doing here in the Sabaody Archipelago?"

Silk wouldn't have the guts to ask if it weren't for Hawkeye's identity as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. After all, the Seven Warlords of the Sea belonged to the government to some extent, and Hawkeye shouldn't attack these marines.

"Come and find someone!"

Hawkeye's response was simple. In fact, it was just that he didn't want to talk to Marine. He had only one purpose right now, and that was to find the old man who cut off half of the Sabaody Archipelago with a knife.

"Who are you looking for?

Silk asked, and at the same time he was relieved. Since he's here to find someone, he should be fine.

But soon, his brows furrowed again. You should know that Hawkeye is the greatest swordsman in the world, and he can make Hawkeye come to the Sabaody Archipelago from far away.

"A few days ago, I hit three admirals in the Sabaody Archipelago and cut half of the old man of the Sabaody Archipelago!"

Hawkeye sat in the boat and said lightly.


Silk's face changed, and the faces of the Marines behind him changed as well.

Looking for that old man?

What did Hawkeye do with that old man?

Hawkeye raised his head, and the eagle eye's gaze swept over the marines like Silke, who shuddered in fear.

He said weakly. "What, is there a problem?"

"No, no!"

Where did Silke dare say there was a problem and waved his hand over and over again?

"It's just that the old man you were looking for has left the Sabaody Archipelago!"

"Gone? When?

Hawkeye frowned.

"Only an hour before you came here, the old man left with his three disciples!" Silk replied.

"Where did you go?"

"I don't know where to go, but their boat was covered and then submerged underwater. I think they want to enter the New World through the island of the fish men.

Silk now just wanted to see this big old man off, so, at Hawkeye's question, she told him everything she knew so that he too would leave quickly.


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I'm currently on chapter 258.

