[242] "Whereabouts"

[Dawn Island, East Blue]

This is the town where Sabo, Ace and Luffy stayed when they were young.

At this moment, on the coast, a teenager is standing in a small boat.

In the youth grade, he was about seventeen years old. In this yellow hat, there were two broken knives hanging on his waist.

The boy is Ace.

After several years of growth, Ace has grown, too. Not only is he taller than before, but his appearance has also changed a bit.

However, if you look closely, you can still see the shadow of childhood on Ace's body.

And on this voyage, Ace naturally intends to go to sea.

They agreed to go to sea as pirates when they were 17 years old and search for Lin Wuya.

Now that he is 17, Ace can't take it anymore.

At this moment, there is a teenager standing on the shore. The teenager is a little younger than Ace. He wears a straw hat and a red vest.

He's Luffy.

Like Ace, Luffy has also grown a lot more. Although he still has a childish touch, he is much more mature than before.

Standing on the shore, Luffy told Ace that he was standing on the ship. "Ace, in three years, I will go to sea too, I will find you at that time"

"Also, if you see Grandpa, say hi to him for me"

"Okay, Definitely bring it"

Ace sounded and then drove the boat out to sea.

On the shore, Luffy put his hands on his waist, looked at the Ace going out to sea, smiling and said. "Three years, I really want to go fast, So I can go to sea"

"Besides, Grandpa, I don't know how he is now, He should be a lot older again"

"It doesn't matter, After three years I'll go to sea, I'll go to grandpa"

At sea, Ace posed for the ship to sail towards the entrance to the Grand Line, which is Loguetown.

Standing on the boat, Ace felt the approaching ocean breeze and his eyes were filled with anticipation.

I'll finally meet the old man.

With this expectation, Ace increased the ship's speed.

In this way, in order to find Lin Wuya, Ace started his own pirate journey.


[New World, somewhere in the sea]

On the sea, a ship sails slowly.

There were four people on the boat.

They are Lin Wuya, Rayleigh, Enel and Robin.

After leaving Whole Cake, Lin Wuya set off for Kaido's Wano. Almost a day and a night have passed since the departure.

Based on the distance shown on the map, you can reach Wano in about one more day.

Nowadays, many people are paying more attention to Lin Wuya's movements.

One of them is Sengoku.

And the other one is Morgans.

Sengoku pays attention to Lin Wuya, naturally because of Lin Wuya's great strength and background, plus the words that Lin Wuya's support branch gave him three months ago, saying that he will come to his Naval Headquarters when there is time.

Sengoku is very worried about Lin Wuya.

That kind of attention far surpasses that of even the current Four Emperors.

Therefore, when he learned that Lin Wuya had gone to Big Mom's territory, Sengoku asked the New World branch to observe Lin Wuya's movements.

Finally, today, three months later, the New World branch also noticed Lin Wuya's movements again.

At this moment, on the sea, a ship is sailing towards there.

This is a dark blue ship with several cannons on the left and right sides and directly in front of the ship.

The seagull's logo is printed on the sails.

It's Marine's ship.

There was a middle-aged man standing on the Navy warship, who also met Lin Wuya.


Three months ago, Lin Wuya met with him and asked him to talk to Sengoku.

At this time, Jimmy was standing on the deck of the warship with a telescope in his hand.

As for his gaze, he was looking at the sea five nautical miles away.

Above sea level, a ship sails towards it.

Although it was not possible to see the specific appearances of the people on the ship from a long distance, with the appearance of the ship, Jimmy was able to recognize it at a glance.

This is Lin Wuya's ship.

Jimmy put down the telescope, turned to a soldier behind him and said. "Go get the den den mushi"

"Yes, Jimmy, Vice Admiral"

The soldier nodded and then ran into the cabin.

Soon, the soldier came out of the cabin with a telephone worm in his hand.

"Vice Admiral Jimmy, Here"

After the soldier left the cabin, he approached Jimmy and handed him the den den mushi.

After receiving the den den mushi from this soldier, Jimmy even contacted the headquarters.


[Naval Headquarters, Marineford]

In the marshal's office, Sengoku was sitting there, along with Zephyr, Garp, and Tsuru.

"Tsuru, Is Sakazuki's attitude still the same as before?"

Sengoku asked Tsuru.

"Hmm, Stay the same"

"I can't persuade you no matter what"

He shook his head.

Speaking of Sakazuki, Tsuru was also helpless. In the past three months, he went to talk to Sakazuki many times.

But Sakazuki seemed determined to protect the marine's dignity from him, without any movement.

Tsuru also has a headache.

"This is really troublesome"

Sengoku frowned.

If Sakazuki still follows his own path, then when Lin Wuya arrives at his naval headquarters, he can imagine the scene.

A big battle is definitely inevitable.


About to say something, he suddenly sounded the den den mushi on the table.

Sengoku connected with the den den mushi and Jimmy's voice came right after the den den mushi.

"Report to the Marshal, We were earlier on a tour of the New World and found the shadow of that old knight"

As soon as he said this, Sengoku's face suddenly changed.

If anyone cares more about Sengoku nowadays, it is undoubtedly Lin Wuya.

His words and actions almost touched Sengoku's heart.

"Where is the old man now?"

Sengoku asked Jimmy.

"He is in the sea at the southern tip of the New World"

Jimmy told me where he found Lin Wuya.

"The sea zone in the far south? What is this going to do?"

Sengoku frowned and immediately asked Jimmy. "Do you see where the old man is going?"

"I don't know, As soon as I found the other party's ship, I contacted the marshal directly"

Jimmy answered.

"Keep quiet and see where the old man goes"

Sengoku frowned for a moment and then said to Jimmy.

"Yes, Marshal Sengoku"

After Jimmy said this, he hung up the den den mushi.

As for Sengoku, he was sitting on a chair with an anxious expression.

In fact, what he cares about is not where Lin Wuya is going, but whether Lin Wuya is from his naval headquarters.

Because the Sakazuki boy hasn't done it yet!

If you came to them at this time, it would be really terrible.

At that time, I am afraid that a big battle will be inevitable.

"I hope he's not here for us"

Sengoku said secretly to himself.


[The new World]

Standing on the deck, Jimmy, after finishing the call with Marshal Sengoku, said to the noble palm marine. "Come on! Don't get too close either to avoid being discovered"

"Yes, Jimmy Vice Admiral"

The marine at the helm nodded and then had the warship follow him silently.

In addition to the Marine people who found Lin Wuya's trace, the Morgans people also discovered it.

Immediately, this matter was reported to Morgans for the first time.

At the newspaper, Morgans turned to the den den mushi with an excited expression. "Are you sure he's the old man? Carlo"

The man named Carlo was the one who discovered Lin Wuya three months ago. He told Morgans. "Yes, that's the old man"

"Okay, It's the same as three months ago, quietly follow the other party's ship and see where the old man goes this time"

Morgans turned to Carlo.

Three months ago, I went to Four Emperors Big Mom. As soon as she reported it, she caused a sensation all over the world.

Naturally, Morgans did not want to let go of Lin Wuya's actions.

"Yes, Lord Morgan"

After Carlo finished the call with Morgans, he arrived at the helm.

"Come on"

"Yes, Mr. Carlo"

The man at the helm nodded and then followed him in silence.

Two ships.

A Navy ship, a Morgan ship, silently followed Lin Wuya in two directions.

It's six hours.

After six hours of tracking and the route shown on the map, they finally determined the destination of Lin Wuya's trip.

With the confirmation, both Navy Vice Admiral Jimmy and Carlo de Morgans were shocked.


Lin Wuya was going to Kaido's Wano.

He goes to one of the four kingdoms of the Four Emperors, Big Mom, and then goes to Wano another kingdom of one of the Four Emperors Kaido.

This old man actually considers the Four Emperors site as a tourist attraction!

After the shock, Jimmy and Carlo used den den musji to contact their immediate superiors.

Jimmy contacted Marine Marshal Sengoku.

Carlo contacted news king Morgans.


If you want to help me, you can access the chapters earlier, join my P atreon . (The story is finished.)

