[287] "Looking for someone"

For lunch, it was the tiger that Luffy defeated.

A group of people were sitting around the fire, eating grilled tiger meat.

Luffy took a tiger paw, took a bite and, while chewing, said to Lin Wuya. "Grandpa, how long are you planning to stay here this time?"

Luffy naturally wanted Lin Wuya to stay for a while, after all, he hadn't seen him in six years.

"This time, Grandpa, I'll stay until you set sail before I leave!"

Lin Wuya smiled at Luffy.

"Stay until I go to sea?"

Luffy was excited.

He had just turned fifteen. According to his agreement with Ace and Sabo, he'll go to sea at 17, which means Grandpa will stay here for two years.

Two years.

Luffy is thrilled at the thought of it.

However, Rayleigh was puzzled by what Lin Wuya said.

Whether it was to meet Sabo or Ace, the teacher only stayed for a few days, but he stayed here for two years in Luffy, which confused Rayleigh a little.

Could it be because the teacher and Luffy have the best relationship?


Not because of this.

There are definitely other reasons.

At Rayleigh's curious look, Lin Wuya smiled at Luffy and said. "Well, you'll be out of the sea in two years and you're not very strong now"

"Then I'm going to train you in these two years, so that your strength will increase, so that you won't suffer a loss when you meet a strong enemy after going out to sea"

Lin Wuya's words made Rayleigh's eyes sparkle and then he burst out laughing.

The master's original purpose was this.

To train the future One Piece?

Rayleigh got it right, this is indeed Lin Wuya's purpose, and the object of this purpose is the world government.

The world government has always feared that someone would come to Laugh Tale, the last island.

Because Roger has put all the secrets of this world there, once someone reaches Laugh Tale, the hundred years of history that were blank eight hundred years ago will certainly be known to the world and become public.

This is the last thing the world government wants to see and it is also the most feared thing.

Otherwise, how could the world government launch Buster Call to destroy Ohara many years ago, so as not to allow Ohara scholars to explore the 100 years of blank history?

Then Lin Wuya intends to train Luffy as a gift to the world government.

For lunch, Lin Wuya left Foosha Village.

"Master, Are you going back now?"

Rayleigh asked when Lin Wuya was about to leave Foosha Village.

"No, let me go somewhere"

Lin Wuya was on the boat, looking at the sea path directly in front of him.

"Where to?"

Rayleigh asked curiously.

"Baratie Sea Restaurant"

Naturally, I went there to look for Sanji. The three great forces of the Straw Hat Pirates, Luffy and Zoro, have already gathered, how can I lose Sanji?

Find Sanji, take him to train with Luffy and Zoro and let them go to sea together two years from now. This is Lin Wuya's plan.

The ship continued to move along the sea, and Lin Wuya covered the sea with his observation haki, searching for Baratie's location.

Finally, after nearly five hours of sailing, Baratie appeared in Lin Wuya's sight.

Half an hour later, the ship stopped at Baratie.

Since it was noon, it was crowded, but as it was, Lin Wuya's appearance still caught Chef Baratie's attention.

And the first thing he noticed was Baratie's boss.

Head Chef Zeff.

The name Zeff may not get attention now, but it was definitely a thundering existence ten years ago.

That's right.

Zeff was also a pirate, and he was also a great pirate, but his mood changed due to a shipwreck and he lost a leg.

So, Zeff decided to stop being a pirate and instead, he opened a seafaring restaurant in East Blue.

Zeff stared at the four people who entered Baratie.

Although he hadn't been a pirate for over ten years, he still read the newspaper on weekdays, so he recognized the four people who entered at a glance.

Lin Wuya, Rayleigh, Enel and Nico Robin.

"I didn't expect to see the legendary big man here"

Zeff's heart clenched, he doesn't know what the other party is doing here.


No, it should be more than that.

The other party is definitely not here for dinner.

Lin Wuya also noticed Zeff after entering Baratie, especially after seeing Zeff's watchful gaze, he knew that Zeff had recognized him.

Lin Wuya was not surprised that Zeff recognized him. After all, the Morgans boy had often denounced him in recent years and Marine had given him bounties many times.

How could Zeff not know him? If he didn't know Lin Wuya, it would still be strange.

However, Lin Wuya didn't mind Zeff's gaze, because he came here not to bother him, but Sanji.

When he walked to an empty table and sat down, Zeff approached with a menu in his hand.

"May I ask what to eat"

"I'm not here to eat"

Lin Wuya's reply made Zeff's heart sink and he wasn't here for dinner.

"I'm here to find someone"

Lin Wuya smiled.

"Looking for someone?"

Zeff frowned and then asked. "I don't know who the old man is looking for"

"A little guy named Sanji"

Lin Wuya didn't hide it and said straight out that he was looking for Sanji.

Zeff's face changed, what was this old man looking for with Sanji?

"Don't be nervous"

Lin Wuya smiled at the Zeff and said. "I didn't mean to look for Sanji. I was just interested in him, I know Sanji is very interested in kicking skills"

"So I came with Sanji because I was going to take him away and the old man taught him his kicking skills"

Lin Wuya can also play kicking skills, just like his weapon haki, observation haki, in the past fifty years, Lin Wuya has also practiced it up to the ceiling level.

"Do you want to teach Sanji kicking skills?"

Zeff was surprised, he couldn't believe that Lin Wuya came here for this purpose.

Teach Sanji kicking skills you've never known before.

Zeff didn't doubt Lin Wuya, because there's no need for a legendary character like Lin Wuya to lie to him.

If Lin Wuya wants to be a disadvantage to Sanji, do it directly. After all, he can't stop Lin Wuya, even if the entire Baratie team can't stop him at all.


Lin Wuya nodded his head towards Zeff and then asked. "Where is that little Sanji?"

"I'm cooking in the back kitchen, I'll call him"

After speaking, Zeff left and headed to the back kitchen.

Not long after, he pulled out a yellow-haired, black-suited teenager.

"Master, Why are you taking me out?"

Sanji looked at Zeff suspiciously.

"Didn't you always wanted to learn how to kick? It so happens that this old man can teach you and you will learn how to kick behind him in the future"

Zeff pointed at Lin Wuya and said to Sanji.


Sanji looked at Lin Wuya and then frowned.

His age is older than Zeff's, he must be over eighty years old by now.

Zeff really allowed himself to learn the technique of kicking behind such an old gentleman who is about to go into a deep sleep?

What a joke.

Zeff has lived with Sanji for many years, so he can tell what Sanji is thinking at a glance.

Zeff said to Sanji. "Sanji, don't underestimate this old man, he's very powerful"

"How powerful is he?"

Sanji asked unconsciously.

"Just like your master and me, this old man can even beat a hundred me"

A hundred, are you exaggerating?

It's not an exaggeration.

Even in Zeff's opinion, it's said to be low.

Even if it was him decades ago, a hundred is not enough for Lin Wuya.

"Is that a lie?"

Sanji didn't believe it.

How could an eighty-year-old man beat a hundred masters?

"I didn't lie to you"

Zeff chuckled and then said. "Do you know who this old man is?"

"I don't know"

Sanji shook his head.

Zeff didn't directly reveal Lin Wuya's identity, but went to the counter, took out a newspaper and handed it to Sanji.

After taking the newspaper, Sanji looked at it and suddenly his gaze was startled.

He looked at Lin Wuya and then compared it to the picture on the newspaper.

It was exactly the same.

Even the look in the old man's eyes is exactly the same.

Sanji was stunned. The man in front of him turned out to be the old man he often appeared in the newspapers in the past.

"Now you know who this old man is! Do you still doubt what I said?"

Seeing that Sanji recognized him, Zeff asked with a smile.

"No doubt"

Sanji shook his head.

Being able to take on all of Marine's forces, he can retreat with his whole body. Not to mention fighting a hundred philosophers, even if he fights a thousand philosophers, Sanji, he won't be surprised.


[A/N: I started to publish my own novel if you want to give it a try, the first 2 chapters are available in Web Novel]

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