On the way

Meanwhile, shima and Alfred continued their search he found Shima quite annoying she gave him the answers to all the questions he asked even the ones he taught he was beginning to think she was a witch

Shimqa its been six month three days and five minutes since we began our search we can't fuind Rose .... Where is she?


Oh..w now she couldn't answer the question where is she?

Our highness we haven't checked the death planet

Off course we checked other planet but that

..... Am scared

I know she said bodly

I need a hug stretching my hands out

Your highness!!.... Am a gaurd pulling her to me, I hugged her

We have rto continued our search. We must find Rose even if it means going to the "DEAD PLANET"

Can we start tommmorow my body is tired and the horse needs water

Rest we will continue our journey tomorrow