In A While

Good morning sleeping beauty ...aww yawning ..good morning husband

What ....could you say that again? Husband ...smiling so hard he pecked me wake up it's time to eat bringing toast bread and tea

Ooh ...break fast in bed...babe I have to go...where...somewhere am coming dragging him backing but I just met you. I won't be long I promise ...

Okay ...

I ate my breakfast and decoded to take a tour around the house...

Good morning I heard a voice...pooh wow rovanna row I haven't seen you in a while....

Same here ma I haven't seen you toooo.....

How have you been how's my daughter?....she's fine ca..n...

Eris Eris someone wants to see you

Thanks ....

No problem... Aunt am here who is this well Eris this is your mum my mama...yes she's back from her journey..

Really my mama ...pausing for a while ...I was so afraid ...

Mama she hugged me I missed you....

Ooh God the emotions I felt was unexplainable like my heart did a back flip like heaven had just come down to kiss me....

So mama where have you been...?

I spent the whole day catching up with Eris and it was already night

My prince charming hadn't come yet...I was becoming worried but I decided to sleep..