Told you so work labor...death is calling to me its my turn... cancer is bad..I said the how I would die..last night was like a brain tumor and make birth my child in prison..... and make them regret it.. the way treat me... over loss if anything treat that person like shit after the person who buys a car and his life on track and family fucks him over a Honda and gets the act now labeled a fat whore ...nasty Larry peice a fuck.. a sister and daughter.... oh hell no fuck this shit... disgusting caught in humping a peice of trash...cum dumpster coke whore....Mrs. burns will tell you a story how she got that car.....oh mercy on your soul.....I hope you burn in hell...and the devil is coming fir the wicked...speculation ... don't touch your mom..... rude people deserve to die alone in there bed and freeze to death.....because they expect to go heaven and get rewarded for there wrong....but God set on his throne and asked why do you treat the disabled like shit...hmm you do you realize how bad you have been...and you treated that person terrible you no reason to pass away and you will be dammed cause you don't know how to be nice...your hate tords your child ..him or your loss cause....I will not let you in as for I have to abandon you...for her or him now... Talking c*** about peoples like giving whole world exit DNA pandemi'm d*** i* It's like exiting your DNA and killing others that will hurt you that think they can assassinate people that are innocent, so if you satisfy their innocence because they don't have them, you can kill them with hate, they will die in vain someday alone in bed. Expecting family to be there when they have nothing to do with them. They're worthless to them. They will treat them like strangers and pretend not to know them because they are not good. Anyway. Anyway, life goes on for that person who takes a life of a child and their son. Father mother sister brother. I don't matter when that person bitched and got that person killed. And somebody.
Killed someone out of jealousy because she was happy and she wasn't.She didn't to satisfy her happiness so.If her mom satisfied means she satisfied which means they're both trash to this world and in the next just a life of the sins that live in the fire