The Climax

Sylvia had been teased, berated, beaten, battered, and strung along for seven long years, including that fateful afternoon in the middle of autumn. She was in dire need for a release, and vent her frustrations she certainly did. She descended on him with a passion and fury the likes of which that neither of them thought was possible, leaving Derek a tearful, helpless mess.

She had all the weight of her torso on his forearms, pinning them in place onto the floor beneath him, and kneeling into the part of his back that wasn't covered in bloody marks so that he could only barely breathe. Her breath was heavy and warm against the back of his neck, and he could feel her long hair tickling his nape as she took a mighty whiff of his scent, indulging to her heart's content. He shifted and struggled underneath her, trying to regain his composure. He didn't want to get the wrong idea, but this didn't make any sense.

"Wha-what are you doing?!" He cried out, having no possible explanation for her behavior. He expected a different kind of assault, after all the hatred she had accrued over the years. "I was supposed to have cured you, this isn't right!"

"Shhhhh-utthefuck up." She cursed, smoldering under her breath. "I practically threw myself at you for over half a mother fucking decade, and not once did you let me have a thing I wanted. You ignored me, you teased me, you demeaned me, you strung me along, and constantly pretended like I was nothing more than a passing curiosity for all this time."

The light within her body was roiling and burning so violently in the astral plane, that she seemed like she could blind his third eye. He put a hand in front of his forehead, in order to shield himself from the sight.

She screamed, and slapped his hand away. "Look at me when I'm talking to you! Ohh, You piss me off so much. I put up with all off that bullshit, then, you bring me to some creepy ass collapsing shed, in the middle of goddamn NOWHERE, and you pull out of my body the ONE THING that was keeping me in check for all those yearswithout asking, mind you!—Then, you have the gall to ask me how the shitting hell I'm goddamned DOING?!"

He stopped resisting, knowing that this was the recompense for all those years of torment that she had been through. He expected this much. There was no reason for him to expect her to forgive him, after all he'd done. Sure, it didn't seem like she would ever be capable of higher functioning thought, but that's still no reason for him to have treated her like disposable garbage. He was a sorry excuse for a neighbor, and an even worse friend. She deserved this. She deserved everything.

Noting his relaxing posture, she pulled her weight off his back, and turned him over to face her. Her waist was straddling his lap, and he was inches away from touching her quite intimately. Her cheeks were full of choleric humor, and her eyes were shining with unveiled passion. Her brow was creased in an expression that made her look more mature, and womanly than she ever had, in the years before. It was then that he realized she was the type of woman who only became more beautiful when they were angry. He was blushing, and she only grew more furious to see it.

She grabbed his collar, and throttled him. "Are you even listening to me?! Wipe that disgusting smirk off your face!"

He hadn't even realized how broad his smile was, until she told him. "I-I'm sorry... I just can't believe it. You're back. You're finally back— I never thought I'd see the day."

"You... You--! Augh!" She shouted, and pulled his collar violently, colliding her face into his. "Fuck you! Saying something like that at a time like this..." Her mouth tasted like bile and mucus, but she couldn't care less. This had been a long time coming, and she wouldn't wait even a single minute more for a mint, or other courtesy.

Dazed, and a little hypnotized, he merely managed a dreamlike "hunh?" before she forced her lips crashing back into his, all over again. "S-stop... wait-" He managed as he drew her face back for another quick breath. This wasn't how he was supposed to be rewarded for all his pain. She ignored him, clutching both sides of his head, and kissing him increasingly more passionately, gasping and groaning the entire time.

But it wasn't possible. Her hatred was the most potent it had ever been. She was as blinding as the sun, inches from his face. The picture was unmistakable. She was absolutely livid with him! Yet, her lips were eagerly locked with his, like it was their wedding night. She bit his lip, and chuckled brightly. "Ohh, man, I've wanted to do this for so fucking long. You have no damn clue, do you?"

"Uhhhhhhhhh....." he didn't want to give her the satisfaction of being right, but she was. He was absolutely lost. There was no way that this should be happening right now. Was there a second transmitter still within her, somewhere? Her mind should have been completely returned. Why was she still obsessed with him?!

"You dumbass. That thing, it pulled something out of me, every time it got too much to bear, and I was calm and compassionate again, for a time. What did you think was getting pumped out of me, huh?"

He blinked, unsure of how to answer the question. Wasn't it obvious? "It was anger, of course. That's why you stuck around me, because I always pissed you off so much, right?"

She made a noise like an angry buzzer sound. "Wrong! I can tell you don't know the first thing about girls. Figures, since you're a bed-wetting virgin. That was my lust."

He went white in the face, as he regarded the implication of the magnificent splendor of her visage in the astral realm. "That means..."

She laughed, "Oh-ho-hooooh, yeah! You know what the fuck that means! You can see it, right? How did you manage that, anyways?"

"I-I, Uh... Well, you see," He fumbled over his words, trying to regain the nerves to vocalize anything outside of the mush ball that had taken over the space inside his head. "I-i-it was, um, a—"

The lights in her chest slowly began to diminish, the longer he tittered. Oh, hell, he was losing her. "Okay, stop. I didn't really care all that much anyways." She buried her face back into his all over again, breathing desperately as if she was just breaking out of a full-on sprint.

Well, I guess this is happening...

As they continued, exploring each other's bodies in that open cabin, he barely managed to keep his focus on her, because one specific detail continued to haunt him, in the back of his mind. After it all was said and done, they lay on the floorboards; panting, and heaving, and gasping, and groaning. The silence settled in, as they both began to slowly recover from the eye-opening experience—He wondered aloud, and mostly to himself.

"How could it have been lust? Just how?! I saw it myself, that the glow began to grow every time that I was dismissive, or reductive toward you. Of course, I thought it was anger! Why would someone get aroused under such rebuke?"

He hadn't intended to have her hear it, but she was too close for the sounds not to have reached her ears, after all. "What's that? A glow? What do you mean?"

"Oh! That's right, you asked me earlier, how I could see the book, with my eyes closed. Then, just now, you asked me if I could see your aura, right?" She nodded. "Well, they're basically the same thing. I have trained myself to see into the astral plane."

"Ooh! How does that work?"

"Uh, I'll tell you later. Right now, I have a question for you. Since I saw Azathoth feasting off of your emotions, I can recall moments of extreme passionate outbursts. It just doesn't make sense to me. It's not like I was ever doing anything exceptionally attractive."

Again, she laughed. "See, I told you—You don't know the first thing about girls."

He furrowed his brow, and looked her square in the face. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"

"Figure it out, dumbass." She crooned, sitting up to salvage her hair even just a little bit, and recover her clothes.

He scratched his head, and shrugged. It's not his job to know everything, he supposed. He started hunting for his own discarded clothing, as well, when he remembered something. He quickly turned to the corner that the bony creature had formerly occupied, just to be sure, but it was to no avail.

That creature... had vanished.