Chapter 389 Gentle Trap (5.1k)_3

Even she herself hadn't noticed that, despite her best efforts to hide it, a hint of petulance had inevitably slipped through.

Hearing her words, Yu Xian touched his own neck and sighed,

"It was a close call. I almost got killed. Thankfully, as I've said before, I'm good at running for my life. But that old guy really hit hard; I spent quite some time nursing the wound. You've ramped up the defenses outside too, it took me quite the effort to get in.

If it weren't for my injuries not being fully healed..."

It was then that Yu Qing noticed a shallow cut on Yu Xian's neck, fine and long as if made by some sharp blade wrapped around, and she could sense the lingering aura of the Great Elder's Laws on it.

This was a wound caused by the Great Elder's spirit treasure, the Silver Flood Dragon Whip.

With just a single glance at the simple wound, Yu Qing could imagine a battle fought at the edge of life and death.

"You...are you alright?"

Yu Qing's voice softened.