75. Sully's invitation

Temporarily set aside Sully's issue.

Noland Lee had made up his mind to stay up all night.

He must always pay attention to the situation in the corridor.

As long as a military officer dies, he will immediately collect the soul fragments.

Opportunities like this, where he can sit and wait for soul fragments to be delivered to him, are very rare. He must seize them, to avoid regretting later.

Noland Lee sat on the bed, opened the glass box, and suppressed his urge to vomit with a cool apple slice.

Corporal Mars had borrowed five books from the reading room.

One of them, Noland Lee had already read almost half of.

Since he wasn't sleeping tonight, he might as well use it to read all night.

Noland Lee picked up the book, laughed self-deprecatingly, and muttered to himself: