96. Rain in the Heart (Single Update of 10,000 Words)

Underground riverbank.

Nearby the Artifact Repository.

The trickle of the river water only seemed to make the area more silent.

This rare moment of tranquility was disrupted by the roar of an engine echoing in the underground tunnel.

A steam locomotive arrived from the surface, coming to a halt amidst short bursts of brakes.

Four men and a woman alighted from the locomotive. With a slam of the car door, they grabbed their guns, shouldered their combat gear, and arrived by the underground river via the tunnel.

About half an hour earlier, Kasha had evacuated this area with the bulk of the troops, escorting the ancient artifacts to the surface.

Half an hour later, she returned to the same spot, followed by four elite fighters.

Returning to familiar ground, a faint smile played at the corners of her mouth.