121. River of the Mind_6

If you are on the other side, you become a part of it.

Only on your own boat of the mind can you truly be yourself.

[Reading Requirements] None

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[Knowledge in the Book]

1. Common knowledge of Mental Magic, including an introduction to common mental spells.

2. Five spell blueprints with defects:

Mind Control, Mental Vision, Mind Beacon, Mental Shield, Perception Obstruction.

There are quite a few mental magic spells in the magic book, which makes Noland Lee's eyes dazzle.

Theoretically, as long as he is willing to consume Energy Points, he can change his profession to a mental wizard on the spot.


Noland Lee opens each spell blueprint and carefully reads the panel information of the spells, discovers a very awkward place.

The completeness of these spell blueprints is only 10% to 25%.