122. Remuneration and Meeting_2

[You can select a second target that meets the casting conditions within this Magic Vision, and cast a new "Mental Vision" on it to obtain a new Magic Vision. You can continue to select the third target in the new Magic Vision and acquire the third Magic Vision.]

[In this way, you can achieve up to 3 vision leaps. The spell consumption will increase with the number of vision leaps.]

[When upgrading "Mental Vision" later, you can choose between increasing your sight range by 10% or increasing the number of leaps by 1.]

As an experienced player, Noland Lee didn't have to think further and swiftly chose "Option Three."

People who have played as a hunter profession in Mount Kigate know that hunters have a skill specifically designed for sightseeing called "Eagle Eye Technique."

Old hunters rely on this skill to summon Soul Beasts.