140. Chicken Theft Plan_3

He executed the "Bone Spirit Flight Technique" in mid-air, transforming into a white skull. After a single turn, the shockwave from the explosion was offset.

Upon looking at the exploration ship, it was a scene of total wreckage.

The ship hull was broken, the deck smashed. A thick black smoke billowed from the broken part of the ship towards the dark night sky. Sea water churned into the wrecked cabins, and the sea surface nearby was full of metal debris.

Noland Lee quickly scanned around and saw Derek Davis and others who had been blown away by the shockwave.

Armor-clad like gray bears, these transformed Golden Merchant's Sword wielders had grown alchemy flying wings that emitted jets of air. After being thrown into the seawater by the shockwave, they swiftly used the alchemy flying wings to leave the sea surface, suspending in mid-air at a height of ten or so meters.