155. True · Never-ending Blooms_6

Noland Lee shook his head slightly, not knowing the answer.

There was another problem.

As for the Universal Language that he had just acquired, Noland could only read and write, but he couldn't pronounce it.

If he could only control the artificial angels by "reciting the command", then the mental binding command was still quite useless to Noland because he didn't know how to pronounce it.

Anyway, this didn't stop him from recording all the mental binding commands on the scene for future use.

After recording the commands, Noland stood next to the headless corpse of the artificial angel.

The information about the materials needed to create this thing, the soul-weaving matrix, and the mind weaver, etc., were already in Noland's mind.

Once he found the specific instructions and objects for the soul-weaving matrix and mind weaver, the panel that reads "This panel will be updated as you master more related knowledge" would display the specific content.