170. Silence, young Noland!

Claudia Erika, the wizard leader of the "Silent Maiden", Lecturer Professor, a Battle Witch with Nine-Circles strength.

Upon seeing her for the first time, Noland Lee thought:

Youthful mature beauty.

This was a tall woman over 1.8 meters in height but possessed a lovely face with both childishness and cuteness. Bangs framed her face, and she had long black hair adorned with a silver headdress decorated with indigo jewels. Her body was draped in a silver velvet robe as pure as moonlight.

'Silent Maiden' had been established for about three or four decades now.

Which meant that this ageless youthful-looking witch, to Noland Lee, was at least a figure of his mother's generation. Yet, there was no trace of time's passage on her body. Especially her delicate white skin, which shimmered like snowflakes under the unique deep-blue light of the Silent Yard.