179. The captain betrayed the enemy_3

Some of the more astute passengers noticed the flurry of wizards and, feeling uneasy, joined the escape.

Herd mentality once again took effect.

Originally standing like a flock of stunned geese, it took only two or three minutes for the crowd, under the leadership of several individuals, to scatter and run for their lives.

At the same time, Noland Lee and his two companions reached the edge of the magic ship.

The noise here was much quieter and they could now converse normally.

The problem was, the metal dome was tightly integrated with the deck of the magic ship, leaving no gaps.

Like a wall blocking their path, there was no way past the dome.

In order to reach the sea surface outside the ship, Noland Lee and his companions had to break through the seal of the dome.

"Are you trying to take me off the magic ship?" Kalandi, who had been following Noland Lee, understood his intention.

She stubbornly said: