245. "Teammates" Assisted Pass_4

Noland Lee couldn't help but hold his breath as he watched the pirate ship slowly surfacing to the sea.

Seeing the panic in the Fat Sea Demon's face upon discovering the ascension of the pirate ship, Noland suddenly realized something.

Today, he might have lucked out and encountered a Fat Sea Demon who knew little about the submarine principle of the pirate ship.

It seemed to believe that once the Diving Magic Array was disabled, the pirate ship would hover at the current depth, hence the order to shut down the magical engine.

Interesting, so in reality, there are buffoonish teammates who can surprisingly assist you in mismatched scenarios~

Noland chuckled to himself.

He estimated the point of the pirate ship's ascent, began to mobilize the thundercloud, preparing for the downfall of lightning.

As the thundercloud took its position, a cruel scene came into Noland's Magic Vision.