270. Creating Souls from Nothingness (Extra for the League Leader)

Island 33, Underground Layer 2.

Selena dissolved the magic servants guarding this place, lest these magical things, like miniature water tornadoes, interfere with the transfer of Nolin's personality data.

Noland Lee pulled up the "Supreme Calculation Power Control Array Construction Plan" system prediction in his mind.

The first few steps of the entire construction plan had been completed, and what Noland Lee needed to do now was:


Place Nolin's Synthetic Human Main Control Chip on the circular pillar at the center of the Computing Array. The chip itself was one of the raw materials required by the Array, but it would not be consumed by the Array.


Inject at least 3000 points of Soul Energy into the Array. Part of this Soul Energy would be transformed by the Array into Lightning Element Energy, while the remainder would be absorbed by the Array as Soul Energy.
