374. The vicissitudes of time_2

His magic avatar was purely composed of wind energy.

Capacitance, thermal melt, acidic melt—were these three Mechanos useful to Clint "Windhawk"?

While Noland Lee had Nolin use Clint "Windhawk" as a hypothetical opponent in simulated battle experiments, he also looked up the panel information obtained from deconstructing the opponent at that time.

The Panel Information for Clint "Windhawk" showed that he was immune to thunder and lightning energy, had a 95% resistance to fire energy, and was also immune to rock and soil energy.

That is to say, of the three combat Mechanos, only the thermal melt bag Mechano was useful.

The results of the simulated battle experiments were in line with the deconstruction results.

At this stage, Noland Lee was clear in his heart.

If he wanted to deal with a Transcendent Wizard, he would inevitably have to rely on Breaking Energy.