Chapter 7: I Will Complete the Plan

Gu Youyou skillfully put Tang Ruoling in a hemp bag, covered her face, and floated out the door.

Zhang Chi could only see from a first-person perspective, unable to see the movement skill, but he could feel the wind whistling and the surroundings speeding by. This speed was no less than that of sword control.

"We make quite the team."

Zhang Chi also felt his True Qi circulating within his body. If it wasn't for his diligent cultivation, his second persona wouldn't be able to consume his True Qi like this.

So, he felt taking half the credit wasn't excessive.

Gu Youyou didn't bother with him, staying silent the entire way.

Following Zhang Chi's previous direction, she swiftly moved and soon left the Sword Sect, arriving at Qingshui Town.

The town was built by the river, with a port by the riverbank where passing merchant ships would dock, making it the busiest place.

Zhang Chi had once used his position to prepare a safe house in the town, which now came in handy.

Seeing Tang Ruoling brought into the basement, Zhang Chi was finally at ease.

From now on, no matter whether the framing plan succeeded or not, it couldn't be traced back to him.

His stress was significantly reduced.

Of course, Zhang Chi's primary goal was not to clear his name, but to find ways to kill Zhou Ran and his grandfather.

Zhou Ran was still guarding the Scripture Pavilion, completely unaware that while he was guarding it, Tang Ruoling had already been sent away.

He was still imagining how he would capture the thief and take revenge in front of Zhang Chi's face.

Three years ago, when he and Zhang Chi competed for the top spot, both were at the Qi Condensation 5th Level with equal strength. However, during their fight, Zhou Ran was outsmarted by Zhang Chi and lost by a slight margin, causing him to lose the position of Senior Brother.

But so what?

His grandfather was the Grand Elder, so he still enjoyed treatment beyond the Senior Brother, while Zhang Chi was assigned to manage the marketplace.

Even though Zhang Chi gained great fame, he had neglected cultivation and didn't dare to compete with him anymore.

Now, Zhou Ran wanted to express to Zhang Chi that when it comes to the world, one needs either strength or connections, and having just a bit of cunning means nothing!

However, the thief still hadn't shown up, even though it was almost midnight.

"Zhou Quan, what time is it now?"

"It's almost 9-11 pm."

Zhou Quan was Zhou Ran's close attendant, short and sly-faced. Sensing Zhou Ran's impatience, he, who knew his young master's temper well, quickly said, "Is it that Zhang Chi's method is ineffective? Or did the thief go somewhere else?"

"Impossible, there are no other places with Mysterious Yin Nine Turns Cultivation Technique."

Zhou Ran still had some judgment.

The word "rotation" in the Replenishment Cultivation Technique actually refers to the number of times the furnace is stimulated to reach a certain unspeakable state, and each rotation requires different techniques to stimulate different acupoints.

The more rotations, the cleaner the furnace can be replenished.

Of course, the more times, the greater the difficulty of achievement. It is said that the highest level of Replenishment Cultivation Technique contains thirty-six rotations, which are rarely seen in the human world.

Techniques that reach nine rotations are already very rare.

Among the Hezuo Alliance and even the Lower Four Sects of Panlong River, only the Sword Sect possesses one of these techniques.

The technique was bought by a former Sect Leader of the Sword Sect in an auction.

Although the technique was advanced and rare, it was quite useless. Normal dual cultivation or replenishment did not require such a good technique, and those who needed it were as scarce as the technique itself.

To learn this technique, one needs to spend a large number of Sect Contribution Points, which is not proportionate to the benefits. Thus, few people would exchange and study it.

The Sect was also unwilling to lower the requirements, lest the technique's value be diminished by becoming too common. As a result, it was locked away, untouched.

At this thought, a sudden idea flashed through Zhou Ran's mind.

On the top floor of the Scripture Pavilion was the cultivation ground for a Supreme Elder, and there were two or three Divine Soul Realm elders to guard the pavilion. No matter how bold the thief was, they wouldn't dare to break in.

"Heh, it's ridiculous that Zhang Chi prides himself on being smart, yet he still has such a big loophole. No wonder the thief hasn't come yet."

Zhou Ran sneered at Zhang Chi in his heart, thinking he was nothing more than a famous name.

However, Zhang Chi's idea had some merit. The thief definitely had his eyes on this technique, so why not create an opportunity for him?

It might be difficult to steal the secret technique from the pavilion, but it would be much easier to steal it from him, right?

Zhou Ran believed this plan was perfect. He intended to use himself as bait to lure the thief.

In this way, when the thief is caught and rewarded for his efforts, Zhou Ran's merit would be greater, and his bravery more evident.

As for the risk of being counter-killed, he didn't have to worry at all.

His grandfather had long prepared a magical weapon for him. Even if he faced a Late-Stage Foundation Establishment enemy, he could still hold on for a while, which was enough time for support to arrive.

The only trouble now was finding a way to let others know that he had the Divine Dragon Nine Probes technique.

Zhou Ran soon thought of the way Zhang Chi had spread false information and realized it was all an act.

He could do the same.

Walking into the Scripture Pavilion, he spent a lot of contribution points to exchange for a copy of the technique, then purposely spoke loudly to himself: "This Divine Dragon Nine Probes is truly profound. I'll take it back for careful study; there must be gains to be made."

'Divine Dragon Nine Probes' was the name of the Sword Sect's replenishment technique, and many people knew about it.

There were still people in the reading area of the Scripture Pavilion at this time as there were numerous avid readers in the world of cultivation.

Zhou Ran's loud speech disturbed other readers, causing their eyes to roll, but once they recognized Zhou Ran, they didn't dare to show their displeasure and pretended not to hear.

Hearing his words, some female disciples couldn't help but criticize him in their hearts.

What a supreme-grade jerk, boasting about watching such a technique! Shameless!

Especially since Zhou Ran thought he looked great and made sure to glance at those in the room, confirming they heard him.

Female disciples quickly averted their gazes. Indeed, Zhou Ran was handsome, but he didn't seem like a good person...

Zhou Ran saw them turn away, thinking that the junior sisters were shy, making him even more smug.

He walked out of the pavilion with his chest puffed out and his head held high, like a proud rooster, strutting arrogantly.

"Give orders to the Enforcement Hall to get ready, I'm going back first."

He had just released the information, so it would take some time for the thief to hear about it.

If he stayed near the Scripture Pavilion, the thief might not dare to act.

It would be better to go back and set some traps, to make him appear even more resourceful.

Imagining the scene where he outwits the thief and becomes famous, Zhou Ran almost laughed out loud.

But just as he stepped into his yard, completely unguarded, he felt a sudden pain in the back of his head and lost consciousness.

Gu Youyou, who had struck him from behind, emerged from the shadows and found the Divine Dragon Nine Probes copy on him.

There was a hint of pity in her eyes as she looked at Zhou Ran.

Being schemed to this extent, what's there to be happy about?