Chapter 15: Starting Trouble

Zhou Ran's voice carried far in the quiet night. Coupled with his flying on a sword late at night and being intercepted by the Enforcement Hall, there had already been people secretly watching the commotion.

Upon hearing that Zhou Ran was going to apprehend Zhang Chi, most people thought not of what crime Zhang Chi had committed, but what mischief Zhou Ran planned to stir up again.

Except for a few of Zhou Ran's supporters and some eccentric individuals.

By eccentric, it meant those who opposed what others supported and supported what others opposed, always loving to view things from a different perspective than others, to highlight their own uniqueness.

Of course, there weren't many such people, after all, this world didn't have the internet.

The people of the Enforcement Hall also didn't believe Zhou Ran's words, but due to their duty, they couldn't continue to block Zhou Ran, in case he seized the chance to make a fuss.

They could only decide to accompany Zhou Ran to apprehend the person.

At this moment, Chen Yurun was gathering a group of friends to plan how to take revenge for Zhang Chi. Before they could come up with a plan, they noticed Zhou Ran causing trouble again.

This was unbearable!

"Sisters, Zhou Ran must be plotting again. We must stop him and protect Senior Brother!"

At Chen Runyu's call, everyone felt fired up.

As a result, the team heading down the mountain grew significantly larger.

Zhou Ran was flying at the front, followed tightly by six members of the Law Enforcement Team, and Chen Runyu brought along more than ten people to follow too.

Upon seeing so many people, Zhou Ran was not afraid, but instead, excited.

Guided by the connection with his spirit pet, he led the people all the way to Qingshui Town, heading straight to where Zhang Chi was.

The Black-Feathered Parrot had stopped for some time. Zhou Ran guessed that Zhang Chi should have stopped moving, so he then used a secret technique to share his spirit pet's vision. He immediately saw Zhang Chi holding the unconscious Tang Ruoling, making inappropriate gestures towards her.

Zhou Ran immediately became overjoyed. The evidence was irrefutable. You're dead now!

He quickly launched a spiritual energy sphere and then sped toward the house where Zhang Chi was.

Seeing Zhang Chi's hand on Tang Ruoling's abdomen, clearly taking advantage of her, Zhou Ran shouted, "Let go of her!"

At the same time, a Sword Palm attack sent Zhang Chi flying.

Zhang Chi hit the wall and spat out a mouthful of fresh blood.

As Zhou Ran prepared to continue his attack, the disciples from the Enforcement Hall arrived.

Seeing the situation, they were all dumbfounded, but still instinctively yelled at him to stop.

Zhou Ran remained resolute, ignoring their commands and instead drew his sword, aiming at Zhang Chi's chest to stab.

Just as Zhang Chi was about to be killed on the spot, another person appeared in the room, blocking Zhang Chi. In one quick move, he parried Zhou Ran's sword, then kicked Zhou Ran and sent him flying, leaving a gaping hole in the wall.

This person, it was indeed Valley Master Tang of the Spirit Medicine Valley.

Zhou Ran was stunned. I'm saving your daughter, and you hit me?

Valley Master Tang not only wanted to hit him, he even had a mind to kill him.

However, at this moment, the injured Zhang Chi struggled to stand up with the help of the wall, "Valley Master, it's a misunderstanding, don't kill him."

Tang Feng also stifled some of his murderous intent. He knew that if he really killed Zhou Ran, he would also be in trouble.

Luckily for him, Zhang Chi gave him an out.

He quickly went over to help Zhang Chi and asked concernedly, "Are you alright?"

Zhang Chi waved his hand and said, "I'm fine, but the process of detoxifying Miss Tang was interrupted. You should check on her."

Only then did Tang Feng rush to Tang Ruoling's side to take her pulse, leaving everything else aside.

At this point, Tang Ruoling's face was flushed, her breath was chaotic, and her kidney energy was violently erratic.

The Spirit Medicine Valley was renowned for its mastery of medicine; Tang Feng immediately recognized the symptoms. She had been poisoned with some vile toxin!

This poison was not incurable. Sealing the six points of QuChi, TianShu, Qi Sea, ShuiDao, ZhongJi, and HuiYin could stabilize the kidney energy and slow the expulsion of toxins.

However, Zhang Chi had only sealed half of them when Zhou Ran interrupted them.

By blocking half of the body's points, the toxin rushed towards the heart at an even faster pace.

Heart like fire, once this poison entered it, it would instantly engulf and spread throughout the body.

By this time, the poison had reached a state where no medicine could cure it, only a human life could.

Tang Feng was seething!

Originally, he thought he had lost his daughter forever, but under Zhang Chi's intervention, she was given a slim chance of survival, only to be sabotaged by Zhou Ran.

What's more, after Zhang Chi had made great efforts to find Tang Ruoling, while she was poisoned, Zhang Chi could originally save a complete her, but now, this was destroyed again by Zhou Ran.

Old grievances and fresh anger intertwined together, Tang Feng could no longer hold back, he turned his head to kill Zhou Ran.

"I will kill you!"

"Don't be impulsive!"

Zhang Chi only shouted this sentence, but could not stop him.

What a joke, among the Qi Condensation Disciples present here, who could stop Tang Feng, who was in the Divine Soul Realm?

Unfortunately, just as Tang Feng was about to succeed, the Grand Elder arrived.

In addition to the Grand Elder, the Sect Leader and five other elders were present.

When Zhou Ran released the signal flare, the Grand Elder felt that things were going to be bad tonight.

"Sect Leader, fellow elders, it seems that the matter has come to a conclusion. Why don't we go and take a look together?"

After Zhou Ran was informed of the situation, the Grand Elder came to find the Sect Leader.

But he felt just finding the Sect Leader was not enough.

So, he also called upon the other five influential elders.

Among them, Chong Ying was his good brother and basically took his side. Chong Guang and Chong Xiao were the Sect Leader's men, and Chong Ling and Chong Yu were neutral.

With these five elders as witnesses, there was no way Jiang Qingyun could easily escape tonight.

Seeing the Grand Elder's grandeur made Jiang Qingyun a bit nervous.

Although she believed that Zhang Chi did not look like the type to commit bad deeds, the Grand Elder's strong stance did not seem to be a bluff.

He had lost such a big face during the day and was again eager to stir up trouble at night, challenging others' patience continuously over such a short period, was he really no longer interested in being the Grand Elder?

For a moment, Jiang Qingyun was also hanging in suspense.

She was really afraid that something would happen to Zhang Chi.

However, in this situation, she had no choice but to follow the Grand Elder's arrangements.

The group rose into the air and swiftly headed towards Qingshui Town.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they found their target, they discovered Tang Feng was about to kill Zhou Ran.

At this time, the situation was still unclear, so Chong Xu instinctively tried to stop it.

Zhang Chi silently thought it was a pity.

But it doesn't matter if he couldn't be killed, he could take his time playing with Zhou Ran.

Without Zhou Ran, it wouldn't be so easy for him to deal with the Grand Elder!

"What's going on here?"

Seeing the murderous look in Tang Feng's eyes, Chong Xu felt a jolt in his heart, always feeling that something was not quite right.

But having come this far, it wasn't so easy to back out now.

"What's going on here?"

Zhou Ran had been kicked by Tang Feng and it took him a while to recover. Seeing his grandfather, he couldn't help but weep bitterly.

"Grandpa, I witnessed Zhang Chi behaving indecently towards Miss Tang. I stepped forward to stop him, but unexpectedly, Valley Master Tang didn't distinguish right from wrong and tried to hit me, and he even wanted to kill me!"

Hearing this, Chong Xu was furious and interrogated: "Tang Feng, are you muddle-headed? Why are you failing to distinguish right from wrong?"

"The muddle-headed one is you!"

Tang Feng did not yield at all, looking at this pair of grandfather and grandson, his eyes were full of contempt.

"Ruoling is my daughter, if Zhang Chi really acted indecently towards Ruoling, would I still side with him?"